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South Bend #edevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - December 16, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />d. Continued... <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED THE CONTRACT <br />by Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the WITH CWA WALKER INC. <br />Cormdssion approved the contract with CWA <br />Walker Inc. subject to approval by staff <br />and legal counsel. <br />e. CormLission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 825 commending and <br />tharking Mayor Roger 0. Parent for his <br />South Bend. <br />Mr. Nimtz thanked Mayor Parent for his <br />suprort for the Commission throughout his <br />yea is as Mayor. He read Resolution No. <br />825: <br />AS, many people express concern <br />urban problems and their impact <br />the community; and <br />some people demonstrate their <br />by personal involvement in the <br />of seeking solutions; and <br />WHEREAS, a very few people are both <br />willing and able to bring a degree of <br />dedication and leadership that culminates <br />in real measurable progress enriching the <br />life of the community; and <br />the City of South Bend has been <br />fortunate to have been served by Roger 0. <br />Parent as Mayor of the City of South Bend <br />from 1980 -1987; and <br />WHEREAS, during his tenure the City of <br />Sou Bend has seen more than <br />$100,000,000 of private investment in the <br />Sout Bend Central Development Area <br />repr renting nearly 2,000,000 square feet <br />of n construction or rehabilitation; <br />and w <br />WHEREAS, Mayor Roger 0. Parent has shown <br />this leadership and dedication even when <br />it was not a popular thing to do; and <br />-11- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 825 <br />COMMENDING AND THANKING MAYOR ROGER 0. <br />PARENT FOR HIS LEADERSHIP AND SUPPORT <br />OF REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN SOUTH <br />BEND <br />