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South Bend Oedevelopment Commmission <br />Regular Me ing - October 9, 1987 <br />6. NEW BUSIINESS ( font . ) <br />b. Continued... <br />year abatements and the importance of <br />idering the petition based on <br />gate figures. <br />Mr. Nimtz asked if there were any ITEM 6.b. WAS CONTINUED UNTIL <br />obj ctions to continuing item 6.b. until THE OCTOBER 23RD MEETING <br />the October 23 meeting. There were none <br />and the item was continued. <br />Mr. Hun noted that work has begun on the PROGRESS REPORTS <br />River G en South building in Monroe Park. He <br />also no ed that there has been quite a bit of <br />activit across from Howard Park preparing for <br />a 40,00 s.f. office building. <br />Mr. Nim z thanked Mr. Wensits for his great <br />story o# the Studebaker Corridor. <br />8. NEXT g2t24ISSION MEETING <br />The ne# Redevelopment Commission meeting is <br />schedulod for Friday, October 23, 1987, 10:00 <br />a.m. <br />Mr. Nim z asked the members of the Commission <br />if they wanted to reschedule the November 27 <br />meeting which falls on the day after <br />Thanksgiving. <br />Mr. Pia ecki made a motion that the November <br />27 meeting be rescheduled for Wednesday, <br />November 25, at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Donoho <br />secondal the motion and it was carried. <br />Mr. Maginot asked if there was anything to <br />report on the proposal for the garage. Mr. <br />Hunt indicated that the staff had met with the <br />firm's financial consultant and the City <br />Attorney's office to review the proposal. <br />There were a lot of questions left <br />outstanding. The staff was asking for more <br />detail regarding construction budget and <br />schedule. He noted that, although he had <br />express d the desire to present <br />recomme dations to the Board of Public Works <br />-10- <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 27 REGULAR MEETING <br />RESCHEDULED <br />