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South Bend RE <br />Rescheduled 1 <br />6. NEW BUSY <br />b. Conti <br />lopment Commission <br />ar Meeting - November 21, 1986 <br />(Cont.) <br />Name <br />Otis Johnson <br />1510 Kendall St. <br />Contractor <br />1 Grant <br />Plaia Construction $19,688.00 $3,705.00 <br />Ms. laumgartner noted that after the contract <br />had teen signed, a $4,000 tabulation error was <br />found in the bid. Engle Construction was no <br />longer interested in doing the work at the <br />erro eous bid price. At the corrected price, <br />they were no longer the low bidder. The <br />Co ssion is being asked to approve a grant <br />to the owner in the amount of the difference <br />between the original loan and the corrected <br />bid. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded by Mr. <br />Pias cki and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission recinded the contract to V. V. <br />EnglE Construction, awarded a new contract to <br />Plaiz Construction, and awarded a grant to the <br />ownei in the amount of $3,705.00. <br />d. Commission approval requested fora proposal <br />and grant in connection with the South Bend <br />Home Improvement Loan Program in accordance <br />with the recommendation from the Bureau of <br />Hous'n . <br />Name Contractor P: <br />COMMISSION RECINDED THE CONTRACT <br />TO V.V. ENGLE CONSTRUCTION, AWARDED <br />A NEW CONTRACT TO PLAIA CONSTRUCTION <br />AND AWARDED A GRANT TO THE OWNER IN <br />THE AMOUNT OF $3705.00 <br />Grant <br />Till'e Johnson Engle Construction $3,102.00 $3,102.00 <br />714 rthwood <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Piasecki, seconded by Mr. <br />Dono o and unanimously carried, the Commission <br />approved the requested proposal and grant in <br />cone ction with the South Bend Home <br />Improvement Loan Program for Engle <br />Cons ruction as listed above. <br />e. Commission approval requested for Amendment to <br />Contact for Sale of Land between South Bend <br />ReTe elon-nent Commission and South Bend Public <br />Transportation Corporation. <br />This is the second amendment to the Contract <br />for Sale of Land between Redevelopment and <br />C6 <br />'M <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A PROPOSAL AND <br />GRANT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTH <br />BEND HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM <br />FOR ENGLE CONSTRUCTION <br />