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South B( <br />Regular <br />C. ►1.91. <br />W <br />1 <br />end <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />- January 10, 1986 <br />BU <br />INESS (Cont.) <br />tinued... <br />Co <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission <br />approved Resolution No. 761 <br />amending <br />Proclaimer Certificate No. 2 for th <br />South <br />Bend Central Development Area and <br />am <br />ding Resolution No. 753 relating to <br />ac <br />isition of property within the South Ben <br />Ce <br />tral Development Area by eminent domain. <br />Ccnmission <br />approval requested for Resolution <br />No <br />762 designating the Studebaker Corridor <br />Development <br />Area, declaring the Studebaker <br />Corridor <br />Development Area to be blighted, <br />approving <br />a development plan and conditions <br />under <br />which relocation payments will be made <br />and <br />establishing an allocation area for <br />puiposes <br />of Tax Incremental Financing. <br />Mr. <br />Hunt explained that the staff has review <br />thEt <br />Studebaker Corridor, including the main <br />co <br />lex (both north and south buildings) and <br />two <br />sub - areas, for uses, conditions, <br />occupants, <br />vacancy rates, etc. Should they <br />de <br />ire, action taken today by the Commission <br />w,o <br />ld declare the Studebaker Corridor a <br />redevelopment <br />area. <br />K. C. <br />Pocius, Economic Development Specialist <br />with <br />Community Planning and Development, mad( <br />a presentation <br />to the Commission concerning <br />the <br />Studebaker Corridor. Mr. Pocius outline( <br />the <br />area on a map and explained that many of <br />the <br />buildings are deteriorated, underutilize( <br />and <br />obsolete when compared with modern <br />prcduction <br />facilities. <br />rhE <br />area identified is bounded generally by <br />the <br />Conrail railroad tracks to the north, an <br />alley <br />running between Main and Michigan <br />Streets <br />on the east, Indiana, more railroad <br />tracks <br />and Cotter Street to the south, and <br />Zhapin <br />and Prairie Avenues on the west. Thi: <br />area <br />encompasses approximately 220 acres. Th <br />area <br />has been divided into two sub -areas A a <br />B based <br />on the current land use. Area A is <br />primarily <br />characterized by vacant land, vac <br />and/or <br />deteroriating residences, some <br />scattered <br />commercial use, and lots of vacant <br />-4- <br />e <br />id <br />ant <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />RESOLUTION NO. 761 AMENDING <br />PROCLAIMER CERTIFICATE NO. <br />2 FOR THE SOUTH BEND CENTRAL <br />DEVELOPMENT AREA AND AMEND- <br />ING RESOLUTION NO. 753 <br />RELATING TO ACQUISITION OF <br />PROPERTY WITHIN THE SOUTH <br />BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA BY EMINENT DOMAIN <br />