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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - December 20, 1986 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />There w6re no communications. <br />5. OLD BUS NESS <br />There was no old business. <br />6. NEW BUS NESS <br />a. ssion approval requested for a ro <br />and grant in connection with the Emerge <br />Repair Program in accordance with the <br />recommendation from the Bureau of Housing <br />Contractor <br />Loi Jones V.V. Engle Construction Co. <br />134 E. Dubail <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Cormi.ission approved a proposal and grant in <br />connection with the Emergency Repair Program <br />as listed above. <br />b. Commission approval requested for a proposal <br />in connection with the Homestead /South Bend <br />Home rovement Loan Program in accordance <br />with the recommendation from the Bureau of <br />TJ-. 4 -- <br />Contractor <br />Vir inia Shikoski K &C Enterprises, Inc. <br />918 N. Cleveland <br />Mr. Hunt noted that there was a reduction made <br />in the amount of the original cost estimate by <br />various items being deleted off the worksheet. <br />The homesteader will be completing the <br />additional work needed beyond the work <br />pef rmed by K &C Enterprises. The amount of <br />the total loan includes materials for work <br />performed by the homesteader. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn , seconded by <br />Mr. Piasecki and unanimously carried, the <br />Co mission approved a proposal in connection <br />with the Homestead /South Bend Home Improvement <br />Loan Program as listed above. <br />-2- <br />$250.00 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />PROPOSAL AND GRANT IN <br />CONNECTION WITH THE <br />EMERGENCY REPAIR PROGRAM <br />i • <br />$11,999.37 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />PROPOSAL IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE HOMESTEAD /SOUTH BEND <br />HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM <br />