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South Bend <br />Regular MeE <br />6. NEW BUc <br />e. Cor <br />elopment Commission <br />- November 22, 1985 <br />(Cont.) <br />Mr. Hunt explained that once the fair market <br />value of property is established by the <br />Pr claimer Certificate, the Commission <br />establishes a process of condemnation or <br />eminent domain. This allows a 30 day period <br />where the property owner can consider the <br />purchase offer that will be sent. If the <br />purchase offers are not accepted, the <br />condemnation process is available and ready to <br />move ahead if necessary. Attachment A <br />attached to Resolution No. 753 lists the <br />properties in question with the acquisition <br />price. The total purchase price for all <br />Properties listed is $338,616. <br />Mrs. Kolata further noted that all property <br />owners have been notified that their property <br />was being appraised and have been given an <br />oprortunity to meet with the appraiser. The <br />staff is now in the process of starting to <br />t with all the occupants who are to be <br />relocated. There are a total of 25 properties <br />to be acquired, with approximately 13 <br />residents and three businesses to be <br />relocated. The estimated relocation cost is <br />$4 500 per tenant. The total relocation <br />es imate is $358,000 based on moving costs, <br />owrker-occupants, etc. <br />Mr. Hunt further noted that the staff is <br />moving ahead with the acquisition of property, <br />without the finalization of the baseball <br />project, due to the possibility of buying and <br />assembling property which will be a valuable <br />pi ce of land for other possible future <br />development if the baseball project does not <br />move ahead. That portion of the downtown has <br />not made any progress in the last ten years, <br />and it makes sense to acquire that property. <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Coilmission approved Resolution No. 753 <br />relating to acquisition of property located <br />within the South Bend Central Development Area <br />by eminent domain. <br />f. Ccnrnission approval requested for Resolution <br />No 754 approving an application for pers ona <br />property tax deduction. <br />-5- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLU- <br />TION NO. 753 RELATING TO <br />ACQUISITION OF ?ROPERTY` <br />LOCATED'i,aTHIN THE: SOUTH <br />BEND CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT <br />AREA BY EMINENT DOMAIN <br />