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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30', 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSMSS (Cont.) <br />b. Co ssion a <br />and <br />for proposals <br />in accordance with the <br />from the Bureau of Housing. <br />Contractor <br />Geo ge & Lucille Grueger V.V. Engle Construction <br />826 N. St. Louis <br />Hil a Boney <br />102 Campeau <br />Braunsdorf, Inc. <br />Mr. Piasecki expressed concern over the cost <br />of the water heater replacement at the <br />property located at 826 N. St. Louis. Mr. <br />Don ho also noted the cost seemed excessive. <br />The Commission asked that Mr. Leverman review <br />the bid as to how the cost for the water <br />heater replacement was estimated and double <br />check the cost estimate for the same item with <br />other contractors. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Ms. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Comnission approved proposals and grants in <br />corwiection with the Emergency Repair Program <br />as fisted above. <br />c. Comnission approval requested for a Release <br />and Reciprocal Settlement Agreement in <br />coruiection with Slatile Roofing and Sheet <br />Metal Company, Inc., against Slutsk -Peltz <br />PlLurbinq.and Heatinq Co=anv, Inc., et al. <br />Ms. Schwartz explained that the Commission <br />previously approved a similar Settlement <br />Agreement in connection with this law suit but <br />all parties were not willing to enter into <br />that Agreement at that time. This is a <br />sli htly modified Agreement that Ms. Schwartz <br />can still recommend to the Commission. <br />Ms. Schwartz further explained that the City <br />of South Bend and the Redevelopment Commission <br />are part of a law suit by virtue of being the <br />owner of the land on which the 1st Source <br />$2,500.00 <br />$ 460.00 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED PROPOSALS <br />AND GRANTS IN CONNECTION <br />WITH THE EMERGENCY REPAIR <br />PROGRAM AS LISTED ABOVE <br />