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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 30, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. Uonitinuea... <br />7. A copy of Resolution No. 745 of the <br />Redevelopment Commission with a copy of <br />the Development Plan attached. <br />Wit no objection heard, the Chair received <br />the items for Public Hearing and entered them <br />int the record. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that the amendment to <br />the South Bend Central Development Plan is the <br />addition of certain properties to the list of <br />procerties to be acquired. There are <br />approximately 22 -23 properties being added. <br />All properties are located in the area where <br />the proposed Stanley Coveleski Stadium is to <br />be bonstructed. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that Findings of Fact were <br />prepared and attached to Resolution No. 750 <br />whi h indicates that the South Bend <br />Red velopment Commission has conducted a study <br />of the South Bend Central Development Area <br />(Area) and has found that the area is blighted <br />to an extent that cannot be corrected by <br />re latory process or by the ordinary <br />operations of private enterprise without <br />resorting to the Indiana Redevelopment Law, <br />I.C. 36- 7 -14 -1, et. seq. Blight was found in <br />the area based on the Findings of Fact that <br />were adopted by the Redevelopment Commission <br />on June 14, 1985, a copy of which is attached <br />to this Findings of Fact, which facts are <br />sti 1 true and correct and which conditions <br />are still found to exist. <br />Mr. Nimtz noted that this concluded the staff <br />pre entation and opened the Public Hearing for <br />public comment. <br />Mrs Janet Allen asked why Resolution No. 745 <br />of 3eptember 30, 1985 stated the amount of <br />ac isition to be $338,000 is now indicated to <br />be 750,000. <br />Mrs Kolata responded that the costs in <br />ReSIDlution No. 745 for properties to be <br />ac ired is estimated at $338,000. In <br />pl ing for the Tax Incremental Financing <br />