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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting September 13, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont.) <br />a. coMinuect .. . <br />Mr. Richard Hill noted that this is a <br />co tinuation of the bond process. He stated <br />that it should be a tribute to the <br />Redevelopment Commission that this is the <br />fi st bond of its type in the State of <br />Indiana. The legal staff feels there are a <br />nunber of other cities around the State that <br />are waiting for South Bend to complete the <br />process, and they already have plans for the <br />Use of this type of financing in their <br />co unities. Mr. Hill further stated this is <br />a pioneering effort that has resulted from <br />about five or six years of continuous work on <br />thE part of the Redevelopment Commission. <br />Mr.1 Nimtz noted for the record the <br />corqplementary editorial from the South Bend <br />Tr�bune concerning Tax Increment Financing. <br />Chair opened the public hearing for any <br />ents or discussion from the public. <br />Mr. Steve Luecke asked about the cost of the <br />TC parking facility and if the lease payments <br />wo ld go back toward reducing the bond. <br />Mr. Hunt responded that the facility would <br />cost approximately $1,075,000 and the lease <br />pa ents would go back toward reducing the <br />Mr Luecke asked if this was the only Tax <br />Fi . ance bond that is available or can this <br />co tinue to be done in the future. <br />Mr. Hunt stated that Redevelopment does have <br />thE ability to issue Tax Increment Financing <br />bonds, but there are some very practical <br />market issues that will limit that. There are <br />some restrictions that will be placed in the <br />bo d documents including a very strict debt <br />co eraae ratio. <br />Mr. Hill indicated that there are protections <br />designed to protect the purchasers of these <br />bo ds so that until a certain coverage ratio <br />is met additional bonds cannot be issued. <br />This Resolution would permit, assuming that <br />-5- <br />