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South Bend <br />Regular Me <br />6. NEW BU <br />i. Co. <br />7. <br />elopment Commission <br />- June 28, 1985 <br />(Cont.) <br />appraisals, survey and title work associated <br />with acquisition within the downtown including <br />the baseball project; monies associated with <br />the facade study which has been completed by <br />Hur t- Kenrick Associates; and a $25,000 match <br />to the Downtown Technical Advisory Committee <br />relating to a project management possibility <br />for the downtown. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by 14s. Auburn and unanimously carried, the <br />Comnission approved a contract with Community <br />Development for Redevelopment Administration <br />Budget (CD85 -601). <br />Mr. Hunt reported that the barricades are <br />going up on the Teachers Credit Union. He <br />also e ressed thanks to several staff <br />members in particular Denise Sullivan for the <br />fine work she did on the extensive minutes of <br />the June 14th Commission meeting establishing <br />the record for the Redevelopment merger and <br />expansion. He also expressed thanks to <br />Eugenia Schwartz and Rich Hill for the wcrk <br />they did on the selection of the financial <br />consultants for the tax incremental financing <br />project and the Springsted contract. <br />8. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />a <br />The ne Regular Meeting of the Commission <br />will be held on Friday, July 12, 1985 at 10:00 <br />a.m. <br />Mr. Nimtz appointed Mr. Piasecki as the <br />presiding officer for the next regular <br />Commission meeting scheduled for July 12, <br />1985, since Mr. Nimtz and Ms. Auburn will be <br />unable to attend that meeting. <br />There being no further business to come before <br />the Co scion, Mr. Piasecki made a motion <br />that the meeting be adjourned. Ms. Auburn <br />second the motion and it was unanimously <br />MIC <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A CONTRACT <br />WITH COMMUNITY DEVEMPMENT <br />FOR REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRA- <br />TION BUDGET (CD85 -601) <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />pall-we" iWak <br />