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South Bend <br />Regular Me, <br />6. NEW BU <br />j. Co: <br />elopment Commission <br />- June 14, 1985 <br />(Copt.) <br />Martha I. Durski K.C. Construction Co. <br />130 N. College <br />Dale & Ellen Baker K.C. Construction Co. <br />114 N. College <br />Mrs Kolata noted that the loan for Dale and <br />Ellen Baker, 1142 N. College, was a new item <br />added to the agenda with Con fission approval. <br />Mr. Donoho asked what the kitchen sink <br />it zed in the amount of $2,000 for 1305 N. <br />Col eae would include. <br />Mrs Kolata stated that it included the base <br />cabinets, the wall hung cabinets and the <br />coLuitertop. <br />Upot a motion made by Ms. Auburn, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />Corriqussion approved proposals and loans in <br />corniection with the Section 312 Loan Program <br />as fisted above. <br />k. Co fission a rova <br />No. 742 approving <br />of Redevelopment f <br />Dec r 31. 1985. <br />sted for Resolution <br />salaries for the <br />Mrs Kolata explained that Resolution No. 742 <br />would set the salaries in accordance with the <br />2.5 City pay raise that would go into affect <br />July 1, 1985. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Piasecki, seconded <br />by Mr. Donoho and unanimously carried, the <br />Conpission approved Resolution No. 742 <br />approving salaries for the Department of <br />Redevelopment for July 1, 1985 through <br />Decomber 31, 1985. <br />Mrs. Ko ata reported that Sheffer's <br />Advertising is having an open house today <br />showing their newly rennovated building on <br />Colfax Avenue. <br />-24- <br />$ 8,102.60 <br />$ 8,870.52 <br />$ 8,650.00 <br />$ 9,450.00 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED PROPOSALS <br />AND LOANS IN CONNECTION WITH <br />THE SECTION 312 LOAN PROGRAM <br />AS LISTED ABOVE <br />COMMISSION APPROVED RESOLUTION <br />NO. 742 APPROVING SALARIES <br />FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF <br />REDEVELOPMENT FOR JULY 1, <br />1985 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, <br />1985 <br />PROGRESS REPORTS <br />