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South Bend <br />Regular Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />a. Con <br />elopment Conmdssion <br />- June 14, 1985 <br />(Cont.) <br />In suffmary, Mr. Jannotta noted the inclusion <br />of the proposed expansion areas into each <br />development and the merger of the three <br />development areas are appropriate and will <br />facilitate the overall management, planning <br />and development of these areas to the benefit <br />of the City as a whole. <br />Mr. Nimtz thanked Mr. Jannotta and Mr. Nelson <br />for their report. The Chair entered the study <br />from Jannotta & Associates into the record. <br />Mrs Kolata read the findings of evidence of <br />blight in the following Findings of Fact dated <br />June 14, 1985: <br />The South Bend Redevelopment Commission has <br />conducted a study of the South Bend Central <br />Development Area (Area) and has found that the <br />Area is blighted to an extent that cannot be <br />corrected by regulatory processes or by the <br />ordinary operations of private enterprise <br />without resort to the Indiana Redevelopment <br />Law IC 36- 7 -14 -1, et'. seq. Blight is found <br />in the Area based on the following facts: <br />9M <br />In the portion of the Area previously <br />designated as the Central Downtown Urban <br />Renewal Area: <br />1. Six percent (6 %) of the land is currently <br />vacant. (This does not include land used <br />for streets and alleys.) <br />2. Fourteen percent (14 %) of the land is <br />currently underutilized or has buildings <br />on it that are underutilized. (This does <br />not include land used for streets and <br />alleys.) <br />3. There is currently 462,499 square feet of <br />Class A office space with a vacancy rate <br />of three percent (3 %), 465,089 square <br />feet of Class B office space with a <br />vacancy rate of twenty -four percent (24 %) <br />and 40,500 square feet of Class C office <br />space with a vacancy rate of forty <br />percent (40 %). This is an overall <br />vacancy rate of nearly fifteen percent <br />(15 %). <br />-14- <br />FINDINGS OF FACT WERE READ <br />INTO THE RECORD <br />