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South Bend <br />Regular Me, <br />elopment Commission <br />- June 14, 1985 <br />6. NEW BUSMSS (Cont.) <br />a. uontinuea... <br />Mr. Jannotta cited some examples of the market <br />relationships which exists between these <br />areis. An increase in office development in <br />the central downtown area will enhance the <br />market for relatively high income housing in <br />the East Bank and middle- income housing in the <br />Monroe-Sample area. In September of 1984 <br />Jaruiotta & Associates did a housing study and <br />it was estimated that 70% of the new units to <br />be constructed in the East Bank area would be <br />ocaipied by people employed in the downtown <br />arai, reinforcing the need for the housing. <br />The supply of good quality and walk -to -work <br />housing will help strengthen the downtown <br />office market. Many office market locational <br />dec sions hinge on the location of close and <br />convenient housing for their employees. At <br />the same time the residents who will be <br />residing in the East Bank and the <br />Monroe-Sample areas will support the retail <br />functions located within the downtown area. <br />The people living in the housing for the <br />elderly currently lack facilities for grocery <br />shopping. This hopefully will be satisified <br />by the inclusion of retail facilities in the <br />central area thereby making living in the <br />housing for the elderly more convenient. The <br />personal health and recreational facilities <br />such as those in the East Bank area draw <br />patronage from the downtown area employment <br />force and in turn provide amenities which help <br />support the office and housing markets in the <br />three areas. The industrial firms are located <br />in the Monroe - Sample area primarily because of <br />its central location. However some, like <br />priziters and construction contractors, are <br />near downtown largely because they serve <br />institutions and establishments in the <br />do town area. At the same time the lawyers <br />and accountants also support the industrial <br />fri ae users as well. <br />In addition to representing the major <br />emp oyment concentration, downtown is the <br />finincial, business, governmental and <br />professional center serving the South Bend <br />arai. It is also the center for conventions, <br />bus ness meetings and conferences, cultural <br />-12- <br />