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Section 1. This Council finds that the facilities described in said report and in the <br /> attached Loan Agreement, Mortgage and Security Agreement are "economic development <br /> facilities" within the meaning of the Act and that such facilities will not have an adverse <br /> competitive effect on any similar facilities already constructed or operating in or about the <br /> City. <br /> Section 2. This Council further finds that the proposed economic development <br /> revenue bond financing of such facilities will be of benefit to the health and general welfare <br /> of the City and its citizens. <br /> Section 3. This Council further finds that the proposed economic development <br /> revenue bond financing of such facilities complies with the purposes and provisions of the <br /> Act. <br /> Section 4. This Council hereby approves the proposed economic development <br /> revenue bond financing of such facilities, including (i) the form and terms of the <br /> aforementioned Loan Agreement, Mortgage and Security Agreement, Promissory Note, <br /> Economic Development Revenue Bond and Trust Indenture attached hereto and <br /> incorporated herein by reference (two (2) copies of which are on file in the Office of the <br /> Clerk of the City for public inspection), (ii) the issuance and sale of said Economic <br /> Development Revenue Bond, (iii) the loan of the net proceeds of said Economic <br /> Development Revenue Bond to the Company for the construction of such facilities, such <br /> loan to be evidenced by said Promissory Note, (iv) the repayment of said loan by the <br /> Company pursuant to said Loan Agreement, Mortgage and Security Agreement, and said <br /> Promissory Note, and (v) the securing of said Economic Development Revenue Bond by <br /> said Loan Agreement, Mortgage and Security Agreement and said Trust Indenture. <br /> Section 5. The City shall issue its Economic Development Revenue Bond (P.A.I. <br /> Properties, an Indiana Partnership Project, Series 1993), in the aggregate principal amount <br /> of Four Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450,000.00) for the purpose of procuring funds <br /> to loan to the Company in order to finance such facilities, as more particularly set out in <br /> said Loan Agreement, Mortgage and Security Agreement, which Economic Development <br /> Revenue Bond shall be payable as to principal and interest solely from the payments made <br /> by the Company on its aforesaid Promissory Note in the principal amount of Four Hundred <br /> Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450,000.00)which will be executed and delivered by the Company <br /> to evidence said loan, from other sources under said Loan Agreement, Mortgage and <br /> Security Agreement, and as otherwise provided in said Trust Indenture. Said Economic <br /> Development Revenue Bond shall never constitute a general obligation of, indebtednesses <br /> of, or charge against the general credit of the City. Said Economic Development Revenue <br /> Bond shall be executed by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the Clerk <br /> of the City; shall be executed and delivered on or about December 17, 1993; shall be <br /> repayable and shall bear interest as provided therein; shall be in the denominations of Five <br /> Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or integral multiples thereof; shall be issued in registered <br /> form; shall be registrable as provided therein; shall be payable in the medium and at the <br /> -2- <br />