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• <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> Page 7 <br /> (e) The City Controller's office and/or the City's duly authorized third party shall <br /> keep a permanent record of the name and address of the owner or agent of each such deg <br /> animal licensed under this article and the number of ownership, name, breed, sex, color, <br /> and two(2)photographs of each such deg animal so licensed. The City Controller's office <br /> and/or the City's duly authorized third party shall furnish to any law enforcement agency a <br /> true copy of these records upon request. <br /> (f) The City Controller's Office and/or the City's duly authorized third party shall <br /> keep the licensing records for said dogs animals licensed under this article separate from the <br /> records for all other breeds of-dogs. animals. <br /> (g) The pens or structures, and any devices used to secure dangerous animals <br /> required by Section 5-28 shall be inspected by the City or its duly authorized agent at least <br /> on an annual basis and upon a verified citizen complaint being filed regarding the <br /> conditions of such pens or structures. <br /> Section X. Chapter 5, Article 4.5, Section 5-28 of the South Bend Municipal <br /> Code is amended in part to read as follows: <br /> Sec. 5-28 Specific Regulations. <br /> (a) Defacing tattoos. A person, corporation, club or organization shall not tattoo <br /> any number over or upon the number tattooed on a deg animal pursuant to this article so as <br /> to deface the number and prevent identification by the owner of the-deg animal. A person, <br /> corporation, club, or organization who violates this subsection is guilty of any ordinance <br /> violation punishable by a fine of not mere-than fifty dollars ($ 50.00). <br /> (b) Notification. A person other than an Animal Control Officer who harbors or <br /> holds in his or her possession a stray deg animal licensed under this article of which he or <br /> she is not the owner or agent and does not report such possession to the South Bend Police <br /> Department or the Department of Code Enforcement within four(4) hours after he or she <br /> comes into possession of said deg animal is guilty of an ordinance violation punishable by <br /> a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00). <br /> (c) Breeding. <br /> (1) A person who intends to breed the American Pit Bull Terrier or other <br /> potentially dangerous dog animal shall apply to the City Controller's office or the City's <br /> duly authorized third party for a license to breed such dogs animals. The applicant shall <br /> specify in the application the breed, age, sex and license number of each such dog animal <br /> the person intends to use for breeding. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of <br /> twenty-five dollars ($25.00); however,in the event that an application for license is made <br /> after September first of each year, the fee shall be prorated to one-half(1/2) of the yearly <br /> license fee. The applicant must address the following items when completing said <br /> application: <br /> a. Description of physical facilities where the breeding will take <br /> place; <br />