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Cover Letter for the Animal Control Ordinance <br /> Page 2 <br /> (b) It would require Commission agendas to be sent to the City <br /> Clerk's Office, the Chairpersons of the Public Health and Safety Committee, the <br /> Residential Neighborhood Committee and the Department of Code Enforcement so <br /> that information is better disseminated. It would also require minutes of such <br /> Commission meetings to be sent to these same individuals. <br /> (c) It would require the Department of Code Enforcement to send <br /> monthly lists to the individuals listed in paragraph (b) of all "warning notices" <br /> issued for first-time violators of the annual registration and vaccination <br /> requirements. It would further require a summary listing of the follow-up citations <br /> issued to all first-time violators who failed to comply with the previously issued <br /> warning notice. <br /> 3. Cat Registration and Vaccination Required. <br /> As nationally reported, <br /> "...the number of rabies cases in cats exceeded that of any <br /> other domestic animal..." (Special Reports, JAVMA, Vol. 201, No. 12, page 1836 <br /> December 15, 1992) <br /> Because of the growing concern over rabies, I believe that it is good public policy <br /> to require the vaccination and registration of cats. <br /> The proposed ordinance would let the cat owner decide whether its pet <br /> should wear the registration tag on a collar,or have the pet permanently identified <br /> with a microchip identification tag. In this way, the pet owner makes the final <br /> decision which he or she believes is in the best interest of their pet. All pet owners <br /> however must be able to provide proof of such vaccination and registration whether <br /> the animal wears a collar or not. <br /> 4. Microchip Identification Tags. <br /> Microchips the "size of a grain of rice" can now be programmed with an <br /> identification number and encased in material that will not harm an animal. <br /> Microchips provide two(2)very positive features,namely they: <br /> - allow breeders to identify animal that came from their businesses, <br /> and <br /> -to help lost animals return to their owners. <br /> (The South Bend Tribune, January 7, 1993 "Shelter Using Microchips to Identify <br /> Pets") <br /> Owners of"potentially dangerous dogs" would also have the option of the <br /> microchip or a tattoo,with the owner making the final decision. <br />