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South Bend <br />Regular Mee <br />6. NEW BUS <br />b. Con <br />sev <br />Ree <br />Lan <br />Bel <br />una <br />Jen <br />als <br />fin <br />fil <br />am <br />elopment Commission <br />- February 8, 1985 <br />(Cont.) <br />present Board members including Melvin <br />Ernest Swick, Edmund Mitchell, James <br />Ann Kolata, Jackie Goldrick, and Anna <br />Thomas. The Bureau of Housing was <br />e to contact one Board member, George <br />regarding his re- appointment. There is <br />one vacancy on the Board representing the <br />.cial institutions that will have to be <br />d at a later date. <br />recommended that the Commission <br />Mr. Jena if he agreeds to be <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Donoho, seconded by <br />Mr. Combs and unanimously carried, the <br />CormLission approved appointments to the <br />Housing Advisory Board including the <br />appqintment of George Jena when contacted. <br />c. Conuission approval requested for Resolution <br />No. 729 redeclaring the Central Downtown Urban <br />Renewal Area to be blighted and amending the <br />Urban Renewal Plan. <br />Mrs. Kolata explained that Resolution No. 729 <br />will add Parcel 22 -2 to the Central Downtown <br />Urban Renewal Area acquisition list. We will <br />be acquiring only a portion of Parcel 22 -2 on <br />the corner of Main and Western Avenue. We <br />will be adding 18,348 square feet to the <br />ac isition list. <br />Mr. Combs asked what impact the acquisition of <br />Parcel 22 -2 would have on a minority owned <br />business adjacent to the parcel being <br />acquired. Mrs. Kolata stated that the <br />appraisers would have to see if there was a <br />relationship between the business and the lot <br />and address that in their report. Our <br />indications from the appraisers is that there <br />is no direct effect on the business. <br />Mrs. Derbeck asked if this property was going <br />to he the location for TRANSPO. Mr. Hunt <br />replied that it was. <br />-4- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED APPOINT- <br />MENTS TO THE HOUSING ADVISORY <br />BOARD <br />