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WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the Commission for its <br /> consideration and approval, a copy of the Amendment, which Amendment consists of thirty <br /> seven (37)pages, and is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Commission has determined that it has no present plans to <br /> acquire any interests in real property as part of the Amendment; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Amendment conforms to other development and redevelopment <br /> plans for the City. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the South Bend Redevelopment <br /> Commission as follows: <br /> 1. The Commission hereby finds and determines that the public health and <br /> welfare will be benefited by accomplishment of the Amendment for the Area. <br /> 2. The Commission hereby finds and determines that the Amendment is <br /> reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the Redevelopment Plan and the <br /> purposes of the Act. <br /> 3. The Commission hereby finds and determines that the Amendment for the <br /> Area conforms to the comprehensive plan for the City. <br /> 4. The Commission hereby finds and determines that it will be of public <br /> utility and benefit to amend the Redevelopment Plan for the Area, as set forth herein and in the <br /> Amendment and develop the Area under the Act. <br /> 5. The Amendment is in all respects approved and is hereby adopted as the <br /> Amendment for the Area. The Amendment shall be entitled "Howard Park Neighborhood <br /> Master Plan", and, when combined with the Redevelopment Plan, shall be deemed to refer to <br /> such Redevelopment Plan as amended. <br /> 6. The maps and plats of the South Bend Central Development Area, <br /> showing the boundaries, the location of the various parcels of property, streets, alleys and other <br /> features affecting the acquisition, clearance, replatting, replanning,rezoning or redevelopment of <br /> the Area, that are to be devoted to public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playgrounds and other <br /> public purposes under the Plan, which maps and plats were previously adopted by the <br /> Commission, are hereby confirmed by the Commission. <br /> 7. No property acquisition is included as part of the Amendment. <br /> 8. The Secretary is directed to file a certified copy of the Amendment and <br /> this Resolution with the minutes of this meeting. <br /> 9. This Resolution, together with supporting data, shall be submitted to the <br /> St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission and the City of South Bend, Indiana, Common <br /> Council, as provided by Section 16 of the Act, for the approval of the Resolution and the <br /> Amendment, and if approved by both bodies, the Resolution and the Amendment shall be <br /> submitted to public hearing and remonstrance as provided by Section 17 of the Act, after public <br /> notice in accordance with Section 17 of the Act and IC 5-3-1 and after all required filings with <br /> governmental agencies and officers have been made pursuant to Section 17 of the Act. <br />