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Sout <br />RegL <br />N <br />m <br />C. <br />:h Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />filar Me <br />ting - January 4, 1983 <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />ratification and approval requested <br />a. Coirmission <br />for <br />proposals and loans in connection with the <br />Hcmeowners <br />Emergency Loan Program (H.E.L.P.) <br />in <br />accordance with the recommendation from the <br />Bureau <br />of Housing. <br />vame <br />Contractor Bid Loa <br />3arbara <br />A. Braden Electric Const. Co. $155 $16' <br />213 E. <br />Dayton <br />Mrs. <br />Kolata noted that the work was necessary <br />because <br />someone had rewired the house improperly <br />and <br />water was leaking in and causing electrical <br />problems. <br />Mr. <br />Donaldson noted that there were some mis- <br />spelling <br />of names and incorrect addresses. The <br />address <br />should be 213 Dayton. The name should <br />be <br />Barbara A. Braden. Mr. Nimtz asked that the <br />corrections <br />be made. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded <br />by 14s. <br />Auburn and carried unanimously, the loan <br />to <br />Barbara A. Braden was approved. <br />CommLission. <br />approval requested for an Agreement <br />between <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana throw h <br />its <br />De tment of Redevelopment, and Kevin J. <br />Butler <br />for legal services relating to the Depart- <br />ment <br />. <br />Mr. <br />Hunt noted that this scope of services will <br />be the <br />same as the past year and that the dollar <br />amount <br />is $20,000. <br />Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by <br />Ms. <br />Auburn and carried unanimously, the Agree- <br />ment <br />for legal services with Kevin J. Butler was <br />appr <br />ved. <br />ComLssion <br />approval requested to petition the <br />SoutJi <br />Bend Common Council to vacate part of an <br />East-West <br />alley fr m the East Race to Niles <br />Avenue. <br />Mrs. <br />Kolata noted that this affects a small por- <br />tion <br />of the alley and that it needs to be vacated <br />for the <br />East Race Project. Once this petition is <br />approved <br />it will go to the Caanon Council for for- <br />mal vacation. <br />-2- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A PRO - <br />POSAL AND LOAN FOR BARBARA <br />A. BRADEN, 213 E. DAYTON <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $167.00 <br />IN CONNECTION WITH THE <br />HOMEOWNERS EMERGENCY LOAN <br />rn PROGRAM <br />COMMISSION APPROVED AN <br />AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SER- <br />VICES WITH KEVIN J. BUTLER <br />COMMISSION APPROVED <br />PETITIONING THE SOUTH <br />BEND COMMON COUNCIL TO <br />VACATE PARTOF AN EAST - <br />WEST ALLEY FROM THE EAST <br />RACE TO NILES AVENUE <br />