<br /> and I don't want to limit it to just these,but things such as proposals for things like the Peacemakers
<br /> program, which is getting a lot of traction, I think from both the Council and with the
<br /> Administration. Other worthy community efforts, like Peer to Peer and Mommas Against
<br /> Violence, that may apply or have applied for a pool of grant funding that really doesn't exist right
<br /> now, but we think it should. This is to make sure that we have a responsible mechanism for
<br /> managing those requests. Some of them might be smaller line items. I could envision, perhaps, if
<br /> somebody is, for example, earlier this year we saw some incidents of gun violence were met with
<br /> somebody proposing to have a community event in a park, a picnic, or even something like that.
<br /> That might be a very modest request, but there wouldn't be an obvious place to fund that on the
<br /> City side. This is where that request could live.
<br /> He went on, So, what you would see is no change to the familiar titles and functions that we have.
<br /> I think a lot of people in the City are surprised when they learn the number of people who are in
<br /> the Mayor's Office. A lot of people seem to think there's more than a dozen of us. You have, of
<br /> course, the Chief of Staff, Director of Communications, Community Outreach, a Deputy Chief of
<br /> Staff, which is, functionally, a policy director, the Executive Assistant and Director of Special
<br /> Projects who, among other things, coordinates all scheduling and oversees the front. The
<br /> Administrative Assistant, in the front, and we've been doing well. We weren't sure we could pull
<br /> this off, but as we were pairing down the budget, we got to where there's one (1) full time paid
<br /> position in the front and then the rest is covered by interns and fellows and that's actually something
<br /> that, it's not been a small thing to ask of Shay up there,but it's something that we find has worked.
<br /> And then the Project Manager position that is really executing on some of the strategic projects
<br /> we've taken on lately. You will recall that's things like the partnership of the schools, and the
<br /> Department of Health on lead testing, making sure we have the added hands-on effort like
<br /> homelessness, things like that we know are major priorities but don't automatically live in a
<br /> department or, even if it is departmental work, require hands on day-to-day management from the
<br /> Mayor's Office.
<br /> He continued, So, what we're proposing here is that alongside that now we bring these positions
<br /> into play.Again,the GVI Program Manager includes a number of responsibilities that have already
<br /> existed within the Administration. We're just realigning those from the Innovation positions into
<br /> the office that actually oversees GVI, which is the Mayor's Office. And then establishing this
<br /> public safety initiatives position partly to support and manage what I think will be an increased
<br /> demand on the GVI Program Manager, partly to oversee the various partnerships from existing
<br /> ones with the National Network for Safe Communities to emerging ones like the dialogues that
<br /> have been going on with everyone from police representation to community activists to
<br /> organizations like Faith in Indiana to potential future ones like Peacemakers or other organizations
<br /> in town concerned with violence and safety. So, the budget is straight forward. Basically, what
<br /> you're seeing here is the personnel side and then you're seeing the line here under grants and
<br /> subsidies. When it gets rolled up, sometimes it shows up as other expenses, which I don't love
<br /> because it makes it sound very loose or fluid. So,just to be clear, when you double-click on that,
<br /> other expenses, it brings you into this grants and subsidies line and that's what we're looking at
<br /> there. That, I think, is everything I wanted to convey or communicate. So, I'm happy to take any
<br /> questions about what we envision here.
<br /> Committee Chair White asked,Mayor,have you created a job description for the Director of Public
<br /> Safety? If so, could you send us a copy of that?
<br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend.Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 (574.235.9173 I I D574.235 5567
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