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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> went to the people. We're trying to do this as efficiently as possible, making sure that the money <br /> stays where it should. <br /> He continued, With that, we've partnered with Real Services who's already doing an energy <br /> assistance program, they're already doing enrollment and qualification, establishing qualification <br /> below income. We're going to have help with Real Services as part of the program so that some of <br /> those, so we won't have the overhead costs that would normally go into a program such as this. To <br /> fund this program, it'll take the Council agreeing to increase the average waste water repairs <br /> monthly bill by$1.75. That$1.75,this is all cost of service-based, then will be utilized and will be <br /> put in a special fund and will be utilized to help offset eligible program participants that are low <br /> income customers. <br /> He went on, We have a three (3) tiered program and the way that it is currently, Real Services <br /> currently looks at this program and they use sixty percent (60%) of the State of Indiana median <br /> household income. That's dependent on household size and if you fall within one hundred(100%) <br /> of that, you will see a net ten-dollar($10) deduction on your waste water bill. Just for purposes of <br /> understanding, they're going to be charged $1.75 as well. Everyone will on their bill. And then <br /> they will have an eleven dollar and seventy-five cent ($11.75) deduction, so net off ten dollars <br /> ($10). If you are seventy-five percent(75%) of that sixty percent (60%) MHI, then you will have <br /> a fourteen dollar ($14) deduction per month. If you're fifty percent (50%) you'll have a nineteen <br /> dollar($19) per month deduction on your waste water bill. I'm really excited about this program. <br /> I look forward to bringing it to Council. We will have the ordinance ready for first(1st)reading on <br /> October 14th. We anticipate that we would be rolling this out summer of 2020 after we have our <br /> new billing software up and running and time for Real Services to put the program in place. <br /> He went on,The next initiative is the Long-Term Control Plan. Councilmember Broden mentioned <br /> that we did just recently update you on this. I don't think I need to update you any further other <br /> than we've got ongoing negotiations and those negotiations are going well right now and we're still <br /> hopeful that we'll have something by the end of this year. We have included in our 2020 budget <br /> some of the costs of that program. Primarily in regard to some waste water treatment plan upgrades <br /> that we're looking at, that would need to be done even if we didn't do the Long Term Control Plan <br /> by way of having that Consent Decree. It's work that we know the City's going to need to do <br /> anyway. That's what we put in the budget for 2020 and the Long-Term Control Plan. <br /> He continued, The next one (1) is the Westside Quiet Zone. Again, we have had updates on this. • <br /> Just to let you know where we are. The first(1st) component of this was Canadian National Grand <br /> Trunk Western, or I'm sorry, the Norfolk Southern piece, which was the majority of the trains. <br /> That has been completed. We were getting complaints early on that they were still blowing <br /> whistles. I think that's gotten better. We did have somebody from FRA come out, one (1) of the <br /> grade crossing inspectors, and he agreed that he would fine Norfolk Southern if they didn't stop <br /> blowing their horns and had warned them and I think after that we were able to get some <br /> compliance.There are still sets of tracks that do not have the quiet zone in place.Canadian National <br /> Grand Trunk Western, we're currently working on. There are still a couple supplemental safety <br /> measures that we need to put in place and some issues with constant warning we need to deal with. <br /> That is going to be still fall this year. We plan on implementing that, so we'll have that piece and <br /> quiet again. Then the final piece is the NICTD piece which actually is going to be about a year <br /> away because that's an alternative safety measure and because we're looking to have a waiver, <br /> those reviews typically take about a year with the FRA. We'll get that in as quickly as we can and <br /> EXCELLENCE j ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION j EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 23 <br />