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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis followed up, And given the nature of it being in public safety, do you <br /> envision that the position would have to be a former police officer or County officer or from my <br /> standpoint or somebody who was a firefighter, would it be limited to those professions or would <br /> you look at somebody who's been a crisis intervention specialist, social worker or whatever?What <br /> kind of backgrounds do you envision? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg replied, I suppose any of those backgrounds could be useful. But the main skills <br /> that I think would be most relevant are in the outreach, communication and policy space. So, I'm <br /> really thinking about somebody who's got a background that could help for example,manage those <br /> grant disbursements we were talking about, provide advice to the Mayor as well as perhaps <br /> important or interesting examples for a Police Chief or a Police Department, a Fire Chief to <br /> consider. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis asked, So even like an MBA who has the management skills and those <br /> kinds of backgrounds could be considered for that person? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg replied, Conceivably, yeah. I think a lot of it will be about management and about <br /> policy and again also about coordination. You would want somebody who has a good touch with <br /> the community too because a lot of this is making sure that external players who come to the table <br /> knows that their follow up will be guided by somebody in the position to touch all of those different <br /> moving pieces. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis stated, And the only thing I would add to that role, I think that they <br /> need to also be from a background in transportation, have a link with transit because when you <br /> think about crisis's in community, I always go back to New Orleans with the weather disaster, <br /> those who were on public transit couldn't get out of the city with the problem. So often in times of <br /> crisis people forget to think about transit in terms of public safety, but transit does play a role in <br /> that so I would put that in that job description if it hasn't been already completely developed. <br /> Mayor Buttigieg stated, Great point. Well taken. We'll make sure that that's reflected in the <br /> positions forthcoming. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Davis stated, I appreciate that, I'm done. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated, I like the initiative's focus and its flexibility too for whoever <br /> might be there to implement all that. Yeah. Thank you. <br /> Committee Chair White asked,Mayor,are you going to be remaining until the end?I want to make <br /> sure that the public has the opportunity to ask any questions in regards to your presentation and <br /> then we'll go directly back to the Council and after which we'll open it up for questions to the <br /> public in terms of a Council presentation, the City Clerk and then we'll go to Eric Horvath in <br /> regards to giving him the opportunity to complete this presentation.Okay. So should we go directly <br /> to questions? <br /> Mayor Buttigieg replied, Let's do that. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions and comments from members of the public. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 11 <br />