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410 CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> we expect local income taxes of about 33.3 million dollars, and we would pay about 3 million <br /> dollars for PSAP for our assessment. So,then that would be right around 30.3 million dollars.With <br /> the proposed redistribution we don't have any PSAP direct payment because they are going to take <br /> it out of the income tax, but our income tax does decrease by right around 3 million dollars. So, <br /> South Bend essentially comes out even. We essentially break even and come out a little bit ahead. <br /> I want to point out that some of you may have seen an analysis that shows us a little bit behind. <br /> The County re-ran some numbers and pushed us a little bit positive, but essentially South Bend <br /> breaks even under this redistribution. Mishawaka you can see on here, and at the end of the day <br /> the redistribution would improve Mishawaka's net position by about five (5) hundred thousand <br /> dollars, and improve the County's net position by about 1.3 million dollars in terms of taking their <br /> decrease in income tax net of the PSAP payment that they would no longer have to make in 2020. <br /> Mr. Parker went on to say, Down at the bottom of the presentation,but the remaining taxing units, <br /> town, townships, airport etcetera would have a net decrease of about 1.6 million dollars in their <br /> income taxes. So, that would impact all of the remaining taxing units with the exception of the <br /> schools. The schools do not receive the expenditure rate income tax to date so they would not see <br /> an impact, but all remaining taxing units would. As I said the County Council will consider this <br /> proposal in September. It is the County's responsibility to communicate the change for affected <br /> units which they did through their public notice that they just sent out today. The City of South <br /> Bend had not seen the proposed amendment to the local enterprise ordinance, but that is not <br /> actually true as of an hour ago. We did see what the County Council will be considering on <br /> September 10,2019. The Executive Board Committee are allowing us to review that before it will <br /> be considered by the Councils. We have not had an opportunity to respond to them as of yet <br /> because I just found out that they will be having a meeting on September 5, 2019. If that proposed <br /> modification is passed, the next step is that it would have to be passed by two (2) of the entities. <br /> So, the County, Mishawaka and the City of South Bend. Two (2)of those councils would have to <br /> pass this proposed modification and then it would become effective in 2020. I would suggest that <br /> the City insist on a reopening of negotiations regarding the interlocal agreement. Ensure that some <br /> of the new provisions that this modification in funding will generate,make sure that we renegotiate <br /> that with the County and with Mishawaka to make sure that our interests are protected. Some of <br /> the things to consider is what happens when income tax goes up or down? So, if income tax goes <br /> down how does PSAP continue to be funded if the amount of their direct assessment is no longer <br /> able to cover their operations? We want to make sure that we have the ability to monitor any <br /> operation of PSAP even without directly funding it. How does that Executive Board work given <br /> the change in the budget source? These are some of the things that have not yet been discussed <br /> with the County or Mishawaka, but it would probably need to be considered if the proposed <br /> funding mechanism were to be passed. <br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis stated, Are you suggesting that as a part of the passage that <br /> statement should be included in there? <br /> Mr. Parker replied, It is not in the proposed ordinance as it stands today. What I am suggesting is <br /> that if the County and Mishawaka or the City of South Bend passes this, and it is going to be <br /> effective we should work with the County and Mishawaka to make sure that we an can renegotiate <br /> the interlocal agreement. I think that the interlocal agreement is structured in a way that assumes <br /> that the funding mechanism is the assessment as it stands today, and if that's not going to be the <br /> goal for the assumption on the funding mechanism, we need to change the interlocal agreement to <br /> reflect that. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend.Indiana 46601 p574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />