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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> So,you will see various projects similar to this year.We will spend some of this money on different <br /> street drainage corrections. We have some projects slated for further study and we have some <br /> neighborhood drainage issues that are a little more complex. Some retention basins haven't been <br /> maintained over the years and the City has inherited that, so we need to do some further <br /> investigation. We use this for looking at when we do the annual report for the South Bend Dam <br /> and miscellaneous drainage repairs. So, we'll have $500,000 allocated towards this and this <br /> (referencing a slide in the presentation)is our list of storm water drainage issues for neighborhoods. <br /> And then a portion of that funding in 2020 will be set aside for the St. Joseph River Bank <br /> stabilization project. We've been working on this project with the DNR. We received a feasibility <br /> study grant last year. So, we started working on that in the spring and we did a local match, but <br /> it's an eighty-twenty(80/20)match. We just found out we received the grant for the design phase <br /> which will start this fall. So, that is very exciting. We will then go forward and apply in 2020 for <br /> the construction phase. This is the Yukon and Riverside area where we have some deep and <br /> complex matters. Then there are some associated currents that, the way the water travels in the <br /> area,there is even a little bit of work that will need to be done on the opposite side on North Shore. <br /> She continued, The Waste Water Treatment Plant upgrades, as we move into 2020, we will begin <br /> to address some projects that are complementary to our Consent Decree and our Long-Term <br /> Control Plan goals. This upgrade project could almost be called final polishing stuff in the Waste <br /> Water Treatment Plant chain. As our water moves through the Plant, this final clarification step, <br /> we are going to do some rehabilitation to clarifiers one (1) through five (5). We did some recent <br /> improvements over the years if I remember,clarifiers six(6)and seven(7). So,we anticipate some <br /> similar benefits by doing the repairs on these clarifiers as well. One(1)of those benefits is it really <br /> helps to improve the reduction and the return equity of the sludge. Those return rates get better. <br /> and then you're using less power and your pumping operations are more efficient. There will be <br /> some structural repairs as well and also some safety improvements.This is estimated to be between <br /> $4 and $5 million. This is budgeted out of Sewage Works Capital Fund#642. Preceding, the final <br /> clarifiers are actually in the aeration basin. So, before the clarifiers are the aeration process. That <br /> is where all the good action happens and where the oxygen and organics are in the system. In this <br /> step, we will be doing a little bit of an improvement. $500,000 to $600,000 of work on Aeration <br /> Basins one (1) through four (4). These are actually influent channel gate. Some of the repairs are <br /> there. Some stop logs will be installed on the implement channel. There are some structural gate <br /> repairs at this and are not necessarily process improvements. <br /> She went on, Then the disinfection, over at the Disinfection Building, a little bit more spending <br /> here, between $1.6 and $2.2 million. Currently our disinfection system into the Waste Water <br /> Treatment Plant is rated to accommodate 77 million gallons a day. We anticipate that with all of <br /> these improvements,we will be able to push around 100 million gallons per day through the Waste <br /> Water Treatment Plant and during those extreme wet weather events. So, as the capacity goes up, <br /> and now that we have the ability to treat and handle, hydraulically, 100 million gallons per day, <br /> we also need the ability to disinfect. We have some challenges meeting contact time. There will <br /> be various improvements, again, some electronics, safety improvements, building improvements <br /> and data improvements. The Douglas Road Lift Station relocation project has come to us by way <br /> of the County, which widens Douglas Road to a four(4) lane section. Those are improvements to <br /> the intersections of Ironwood and Douglas, State Road 23 and Douglas, and so in that section, we <br /> have an existing lift station. It was originally constructed in the 1980s and it's going to have to be <br /> relocated due to this widening. So, our relocation is high-dollar because it includes right-of-way <br /> acquisition. Maybe even easements along Douglas Road. We will then also be upgrading it, too, <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION j EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I I t)574.235.5567 <br /> 7 <br />