<br /> Mr. Horvath stated, It potentially could be eligible for outside funding if we have dedicated
<br /> easements. That's why Kara is trying that.
<br /> Dr. Boyles stated, It is one hundred percent (100%) our responsibility at present, even though it
<br /> was built thirty(30)plus years ago. With the intent of serving county residents and being a part of
<br /> our system, there is just no paper trail to document our right to be there.
<br /> Councilmember Teshka stated, Ok. I'll just email the rest of my questions. Thank you.
<br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride stated, Same thing about neighborhood improvements. There
<br /> are still a lot of alley potholes in some of the business alleys. Curbs, sidewalks,lighting and paving.
<br /> So, those are the typical things that, still, my neighborhood is asking for.
<br /> Committee Chair White stated, Based on the presentation, a number of the projects, the funding
<br /> sources, one(1)was Riverwest TIF or Rivereast TIF. Can you give us the total number of projects
<br /> that will be supported by TIF? We have it, but maybe in a chart, that would be easier to look at?
<br /> And based on those projects,but will be the remaining balances in those particular TIF Districts?
<br /> Also, for a lot of projects, Fund #642 was identified. If you could give me the same type of
<br /> information in chart form,I think that would be very helpful.For example,downtown cross streets,
<br /> $1.5 million. I'm just imagining if we had $1.5 million to actually do curbs, sidewalks, potholes,
<br /> and things of that nature. I'm just wondering at what point, when we look at the downtown, the
<br /> cross streets will be completed?
<br /> Dr. Boyles replied, Well, those last two (2) projects, beginning with the Sheridan intersection,
<br /> those have not been approved yet for TIF funding. At this point,these next few four(4)or five(5)
<br /> projects, including cross streets, haven't been approved. I include those because they have been
<br /> mentioned before, so, I just wanted to be transparent.
<br /> Committee Chair White stated, I have a couple more, but I'll email those. The last one(1) is with
<br /> the water meter replacement. We are looking at$800,000, is the cost is being incurred by the City
<br /> and not necessarily the residents?
<br /> Mr. Horvath replied, That is built into our rates for water. It is one hundred percent (100%) rate
<br /> paid for. We had to change the way we were addressing that, and you'll see it when we get to the
<br /> water budget. At one(1)point, we were doing lease purchases for water mains. We are essentially
<br /> replacing one fifteenth (1/15) of our meters every year. We are trying to get on a cycle of doing
<br /> that because they last about fifteen (15) years. If you don't do that, you start losing revenue and
<br /> you have issues where they break down and then we're not charging people for water or sewer.
<br /> So, what we've done is we've moved to doing an annual pay-go system where we are setting aside
<br /> about$800,000 each year to do water meter replacements. Then really quick, I think this might be
<br /> helpful, Kara just laid out a lot of capital projects. We will do a spreadsheet that has all the capital
<br /> projects and then we'll have the funding source whether its water,waste water,or TIF or whatever.
<br /> In terms of the balances of the TIF Districts, we will defer that to DCI because they have control
<br /> of those funds. We just know the cost of the Engineering Projects, but we will at least get you a
<br /> spreadsheet.
<br /> Committee Chair White stated, That would be good because it's really a close relationship when
<br /> we look at Public Works and Community Investment with the projects and funding sources. That
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