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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND ' OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> assist with a double tracking project that's estimated at eighteen (18) million dollars. The <br /> Commission was to commit towards rerouting the tracks to the approach to the airport, and that <br /> was a twenty-five (25) million-dollar commitment. Subsequently, towards the end of that year in <br /> November,the City Council passed a resolution also in support of the double tracking project, and <br /> the impact that it would have on South Bend's economy of shortening the trip between South Bend <br /> to Chicago. Here are some of the changes. Over the last several weeks there's been communication <br /> between the City and County, as well as the State about redoing this MOU and developing a new <br /> MOU. So, this process is now underway. More details on the State mandate and how the Federal <br /> funding for this project, the double tracking project has been put together can be shared by Mike <br /> Nolan and Andy Kostielney. In this new MOU the County has asked the City to split the cost of <br /> double tracking. So, the cost of double tracking is 18.25 million. We expect the cost, the City, <br /> RDC, Redevelopment Commission would issue TIF bonds in the amount of 9.125 million. The <br /> County would commit the same amount, 9.125 million towards the cost of the station, where the <br /> station and its destination is made and the location is determined, the County would make City <br /> whole by committing that amount towards the station and I think that's important to note. We are <br /> making progress on this MOU, but we've also asked NICTD to step in and offer a commitment <br /> for twenty (20) years, which they have agreed to have a station in South Bend for twenty (20) <br /> years. So, our MOU that is now in the process of getting approval through the City's <br /> Redevelopment Commission says that this MOU's only contingent on NICTD signing a twenty <br /> (20) year commitment towards maintaining a station in South Bend. <br /> Mr. Kain continued, That's a separate agreement that will go to NICTD and perhaps Mike Nolan <br /> can share a couple of things about that. The issuance schedule for the bond which we are <br /> contemplating would really begin with the Redevelopment Commission meeting which is on <br /> October 26th, and then the Commission would set a date for public hearing. Subsequently, there <br /> would be meetings for the Redevelopment Authority. Then the City Council would hear the bond <br /> resolution on October 28`h. Following the October 28th meeting, November 14th is when the RDC <br /> and RDA would meet again to adopt resolutions authorizing the issuance of the bonds. The bonds <br /> would then be issued in December 2019. Just a quick update on the study. As you know,the City's <br /> been working with ACOM to do further engineering analysis on the downtown South Shore <br /> station. As you know, the Mayor announced last year that this work is underway. The work <br /> essentially involved three (3) components. Survey work along the routes to downtown, structure <br /> analysis with all of the structures along the route and then coordination with Norfolk Southern <br /> because they have maintained more civil ridership along that route. Much of this work has been <br /> completed. The structure analysis is wrapping up, but the survey work has been done in <br /> coordination with Norfolk Southern. ACOM is also developing an economic impact analysis of <br /> the airport cargo master plan project. As you know, this is something that came after the five (5) <br /> sites that the City had studied, addressed and looked at the economic impact. This came later, so <br /> now,this is being added to that previous economic impact analysis.We expect both of these studies <br /> to be completed this fall, and then we will be back to you with more updates. With that, I'd like to <br /> invite Mike Noland to share a few details about the Federal funding. <br /> Mike Nolan, 2711 Floral Trail, Long Beach, IN, stated, Thank you for having me here today, and <br /> I'm happy to share with you where we are with the double tracking project. Right now, it's about <br /> a 420-million-dollar project. It encompasses a twenty-five(25)mile section between Gary, IN and <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I I D574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />