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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Development Authority and NICTD went to our legislators and also discussed with our governor. <br /> At that point it was decided to provide$205 million in extra funding for the West Lake project and <br /> the double track project. The point in doing that was to not have to come back and ask the local <br /> participants for any more than what they originally agreed to fund. <br /> Mr. Pascarella continued, So, the State contribution got upped in a major way. In fact, we're now <br /> the largest contributor to these projects. However, I think what should be noted is that the <br /> legislators and the governor really support this project. And they did that because it wasn't just <br /> local politicians agreeing to that, it was the whole State who had to vote for that, and they voted <br /> overwhelmingly to fund the project. So therefore, I think you can see the commitment from the <br /> State and from Governor Holcomb that we are ready for a seed with funding this project. Which <br /> brings us to why we're here today. So, in order to get the funds from the Federal Government, we <br /> had to apply as Mike was talking for entry into engineering. And the Federal Government wants <br /> to make sure that when we do apply that we have a fully committed financial plan. They don't want <br /> to have empty promises and end up approving something only to find it fall through because the <br /> local or the State could not come up with financing. In doing so we put together a financial plan <br /> that had to be backed and voted on by the IFA board, the Northwest Regional Development <br /> Authority, and NICTD. Upon approval from those three (3) boards, then it went in front of the <br /> State budget committee in July, late June. We were able to get approval for that and we move <br /> forward, we submitted to the FTA, the FTA is looking at this project and as they're looking at the <br /> financing plan, they are watching to make sure that all the partners who agreed to fund, step up <br /> and make the proper approvals so they can fund and there's no additional unnecessary actions <br /> needed to be taken by the authorities. I can tell you that the State has already cleared its way and <br /> it has no further action needed. LaPorte County in a deal also with Michigan City has done the <br /> same, they fully funded their portion. And so has St. Joseph County. So, this is the last remaining <br /> piece that we have. And you know, we're very excited to be here tonight, because again, it is the <br /> last piece and against what we're asking your approval for tonight. The last piece is anytime you <br /> see a lot of funds being sent into a project fund. I want everybody to know here that also once <br /> those funds do come in, if the approval happens,they will be locked up. So, they can only be used <br /> for the double track project. So, your money will be protected. We want to make sure that that's <br /> obviously very important. I'd be happy to take any questions that you may have. <br /> Phil Faccenda, Barnes and Thornburg with offices located at 100 North Michigan Street, South <br /> Bend, IN, stated, I just want to briefly explain to you the bond financing and the resolution that's <br /> in front of you. It is a Redevelopment Authority bond issue that the Redevelopment Commission <br /> will lease property from the Redevelopment Authority. The reason for this structure is to maintain <br /> the Redevelopment Commission's two percent(2%) debt limit or the redevelopment district's two <br /> percent (2%) debt limit so it's a lease financing structure. There will be a portion of Cleveland <br /> Road that will be leased. It will then be transferred from the City to the Redevelopment Authority <br /> and leased because an asset needs to be leased as part of the lease. That asset will approximate the <br /> value of the bonds that are being issued. The bonds that will be issued are as reflected in your <br /> resolution, not to exceed $11 million. It is anticipated that the actual bond issuance at the time of <br /> pricing which will probably be in December. If the Council approves, and we make it through the <br /> rest of that bond schedule you see in front of you, the financing will probably be for less, and <br /> maybe as much as $1.5 million less than that. But it was seen as a not to exceed number, and <br /> necessary that in the event that the Redevelopment Commission should choose to use a debt service <br /> reserve fund, that was necessary for the dollar size of the bonding. It is not to exceed eleven (11) <br /> years in terms of the term of the bonds, and the interest rate, as reflected in your resolution will <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 3 <br />