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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 18, 1981 <br />7. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />b. Act on by the Commission on bids received for Monroe- <br />Sample Dis osition Parcel No. 4. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that we received bids on Monday, <br />December 14, for Disposition Parcel No. 4 and we <br />are recommending the Commission take action on that <br />today. The bidder on the property is P.A.I. Proper- <br />ties, and Mr. John Ruethe is here today to talk about <br />wha he would like to do on Parcel No. 4 and to pro- <br />vide you with any information you may require in con- <br />sidering disposition of this parcel. <br />Mr. Ruethe stated that there are three people that <br />form P.A.I. Properties. It is a general partner- <br />ship and we are also the controllers of Plast -Ad, <br />Incorporated, which is a Mishawaka -based firm. Our <br />office right now is at 909 East Jefferson, and we <br />also have another plant on 6th Street in Mishawaka. <br />We are primarily manufacturers of store fixtures. <br />We also convert acrylic sheets for a variety of <br />products - refrigeration dividers and that sort <br />of thing. The new plant will replace the 909 <br />Eas Jefferson plant witha 22,000 square foot plant. <br />The building will be a steel constructed building <br />witi wainscoting around it. There will be a 2,000 <br />squ re foot office on the front portion of it. The <br />building will be on the north portion of the parcel <br />so that we can add an additional 20,000 square feet <br />in about two years. We currently employ 27 employees <br />at that one plant. We anticipate hiring an addi- <br />tio al 15 employees during the next year. We will <br />als continue to operate our other plant in Mish- <br />awa a, probably until the second 20,000 square feet <br />is dded. <br />Mr. McMahon explained that the bid on the property <br />is 22,750, and the parcel is just over two acres <br />in iize. <br />Ms. Auburn disqualified herself because of a conflict <br />of 'nterest. <br />Upo <br />Cir <br />Pro <br />4i <br />Ms. <br />i a motion made by Mr. Robinso'n, seconded by Mr. <br />t and unanimously carried, the bid of P.A.I. <br />)erties was accepted for Disposition Parcel No. <br />i the Monroe- Sample Development Area. <br />Auburn did not vote on the motion. <br />5 <br />COMMISSION AWARDED DIS- <br />POSITION PARCEL NO. 4 <br />BID TO P.A.I. PROPERTIES, <br />INC. <br />