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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 11, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />e. continued... <br />Name <br />Michele Pietraszewski <br />828 Sou h Brookfield Street <br />Edward Merle Soltesz <br />715 North Blaine Street <br />Alma Trtwick <br />326 Nor h O'Brien Street <br />Contractor <br />Aardvark Construction <br />Co. <br />Warren Plumbing Service <br />Shamrock Exteriors <br />Mr. McMahon stated that these proposals are for <br />construction contracts. We normally see requests <br />from individuals two times, for the loan and for <br />the construction contract. As we noted at an <br />earlier meeting, Section 312 money this year has <br />beeri released on a limited basis state -wide. Of <br />the $400,000 released, South Bend has applied for <br />an amount in excess of $100,000. This morning <br />Mrs Baumgartner received word that the State has <br />only $4,000 left in this fund and, as a result,I <br />am requesting that three (3) proposals be dropped <br />from this list and also from the Section 312 Loan <br />app icationslisted under Item (f). They are: <br />Reynaldo and Glenda Hernandez, Bruce and Vivian <br />Lan don, and Velma Trawick. The other requests <br />lis ed under this item, with the exception of <br />Michele Pietraszewski, have been previously ap- <br />proved on loans so the contract money is there. <br />With respect to Michele Pietraszewski, we would <br />like to have this proposal approved subject to <br />the amount being revised downward to about <br />$4,000. Cosmetic items will be eliminated and <br />only code items will be addressed. We will sub- <br />mit the revised contract_ amount for your approval <br />at he next meeting. <br />Mr. Robinson asked whether this fund would receive <br />additional money at a later point in time. Mr. <br />McM hon stated that the 312 Program has been <br />core letely eliminated by the Reagan Administration <br />and we do not expect to see it again. <br />Amount <br />$ 5,530.00 <br />1,200.00 <br />9,900.00 <br />On a motion by Mr. Donaldson, seconded by Ms. Auburn COMMISSION APPROVED FOUR (4) <br />and unanimously carried, the request for Section 312 SECTION 312 LOAN PROGRAM <br />Loar Program proposals were approved for Howell, PROPOSALS <br />Phillips, Pietraszewski`, and Soltesz. <br />me <br />