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2. Commissioner Hertel expressed interest of the Historic Preservation Commission in <br /> making a formal position statement. <br /> 3. Administrator Feasel stated that the Commission's official position would be an <br /> eventual approval or denial of an application. <br /> 4. Specialist Toering expressed that the financial implications of losing the National <br /> Register designation that being in Leeper Park affords the cabin. <br /> E. Commissioner Hertel asked about the Leeper Park swimming area excavation. <br /> 1. Administrator Feasel expressed that no additional information has been received. <br /> 2. Legal Counsel Kennedy expressed that Venues,Parks&Arts—and other city <br /> entities—should draft contracts that stipulate that construction should stop in the <br /> event of archaeological sites are unearthed. <br /> 3. Commissioner Hertel expressed interest in seeing something formal by the end of <br /> the year. <br /> F. Commissioner Ponder asked about 720 Lincoln Way East <br /> 1. No update from Staff,no additional work has been seen. <br /> G. Commissioner Ponder asked about the United Auto Workers Building,740 S Michigan <br /> Street <br /> 1. Commissioner Ponder expressed concern for the building,considering the demise of <br /> the Fat Daddy's Block. <br /> 2. Specialist Toering expressed concern for that entire area. <br /> Administrator Feasel left the proceedings at 6:55pm. <br /> 3. Legal Counsel Kennedy disclosed that the Department of Community Investment <br /> and the City of South Bend has purchased property in that area. <br /> H. Commissioner Ponder asked about the Monarch Printing Building,516-518 South <br /> Michigan <br /> 1. Specialist Toering disclosed that the Monarch Printing Building is a Local <br /> Landmark and had been for sale recently for$39,000. No activity has been seen at <br /> this time. <br /> IX. ADJOURNMENT <br /> Commissioner Ponder made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Brazinsky. <br /> Four in favor,none opposed. <br /> Vote: 4—0. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm. <br /> Attest: <br /> 9Li- I <br /> Sarah Ponder, Secretary Date <br />