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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends approval of the project as submitted,with the expressed concern that the <br /> stone window sill should not be adversely impacted by the addition of the metal roof material. <br /> Prepared by <br /> Adam Toering <br /> Historic Preservation Specialist <br /> Recommendation by <br /> Elicia Feasel <br /> Historic Preservation Administrator <br /> PETITIONER COMMENTS: <br /> Mr.Bowers explained that the window sill in the back is already blocked by the existing roof line,and that in the front the new <br /> roof may impact the sills at the seam locations.. He then supplied additional pictures regarding the proposed <br /> installation of the roof material. He further explained previous examples that he had installed that were similar to this <br /> project. <br /> Ms.McKelvey stated that she wanted to bring it back to a historic condition,and that she didn't paint it. <br /> PUBLIC DISCUSSION: <br /> Ms.Downs-Krostenko stated that standing-seam metal roofs were not installed in this area north of the Ohio River valley. Does <br /> the Commission have any discussion or concerns of color as to metal roofs? She expressed concern that color should <br /> be looked into by the Commission going forward. <br /> Mr.Bowers responded that he had seen tins roofs installed. <br /> COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION: <br /> Commissioner Stalheim stated that fortunately they want a dark colored roof. <br /> Commissioner Hertel stated that there is concern about color going forward. Commissioner Hertel also expressed concern <br /> regarding the front windows. <br /> Commissioner Stalheim asked how the flashing is installed into and beneath the windows. <br /> Mr.Bowers expressed that they would not adversely impact the windows. <br /> Commissioner Hertel expressed that the Commission wants the homeowner to have a long-term roof solution,so is protective <br /> on behalf of the applicant. Commissioner Hertel expressed concern regarding moisture infiltration into the existing <br /> shingles that could cause other problems. <br /> Mr.Bowers explained the various layers that are installed beneath the roof material to both protect the roof material,as well as <br /> to create moisture barrier,where it runs the moisture out. Mr.Bowers further discussed historic barn structures that <br /> have metal roofs that have lasted one hundred years. <br /> Commissioner Stalheim confirmed that laying metal roof over existing shingles is common. <br /> Mr.Bowers expressed that these advances have helped measurably. <br /> Commissioner Stalheim asked about the widths of the panels themselves. <br /> Mr.Bowers explained that the residential width is 16". Commercial widths are 18". <br /> Commissioner Ponder asked about the gutters and soffits. <br /> Mr.Bowers explained that no change would be made to the gutters or soffits. <br /> Commissioner Stalheim mentioned the removal of the stovepipe. <br /> Mr.McKelvey joked that he would not be cutting wood. <br /> Commissioner Ponder made a motion to approve COA#2019-1011A. Seconded by <br /> Commissioner Brazinsky. <br /> Four in favor,none opposed. <br /> Vote: 4—0. Motion to continue COA#2019-1011A is passed. <br /> Commissioner Hertel explained that she hoped that the property owners feel comfortable contacting the Staff if they have any <br /> questions regarding their historic property. <br /> Administrator Feasel stated that Staff may have information about efficient ways of removing paint from the exterior brick. <br /> Commissioner Hertel explained that when the homeowners are ready for that,Staff is ready and willing to help. <br /> IV. PRIVILIGE OF THE FLOOR <br /> V. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />