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South Ben4 Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting May 16, 1980 <br />6. NEW BIAS INESS <br />d. cdntinued... <br />. Robinson made a motion to approve <br />e execution of a new lease between <br />e Department of Redevelopment and the <br />and of Public Works for parcels <br />mbered 4 -30, 4 -28, 4 -29, 4 -3, 4 -80, <br />9, 8 -11, 9 -1, 9 -8, and 9 -9, seconded <br />Mr. Donaldson, and the motion was <br />animously carried. <br />e. C mmission approval requested to authorize <br />The Executive Director to execute a con - <br />t act for ro essional services wit Baird <br />Warner, Inc. in connection with the <br />Cntury Mall Project. <br />Mr. Ellison: Gentlemen, I am not sure <br />I would like to pursue this matter today, <br />birt I will discuss it in part, then the <br />Commission can determine what the appropri- <br />ate action will be. Included in you packet <br />is a draft of a contract with Baird & Warner, <br />Inc. that Mr. Butler and I have discussed, but <br />because of the events of yesterday, and <br />M% Butler's time, we were unable to arrive <br />at any decisions with respect to language. <br />I think I want to explain nonetheless the <br />purpose of the contract and to indicate <br />i s anticipated cost and its relationship <br />to the Century Mall Project. I might <br />add that there is a more recent draft of <br />tie proposed contract which is a little <br />e sier to rean than the one that you have. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Baird & Warner is a very pro- <br />fessional real estate firm in Chicago. I <br />h vent had any contact with them for a <br />ninber of years, but when Edison Park Housing <br />Project was in difficulty at the end of the <br />war they came in and assisted Bill Ogden <br /> the Edison Park Board in getting <br />that in shape along with the National Bank. <br />I have had spasmodic contact with them <br />through the years. I think they are mainly <br />b sed in Chicago and Detroit; is that <br />c rrect Mr. Ellison? <br />. Ellison: Yes. <br />17 <br />COMMISSION AP- <br />PROVAL GRANTED FOR <br />LEASE AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE DEPT. <br />OF REDEVELOPMENT <br />AND THE BOARD OF <br />PUBLIC WORKS FOR <br />PARCEL NUMBERS <br />4 -30, 4 -28, 4 -29, <br />4 -3, 4 -80, 8 -9, <br />8 -11, 9 -1, 9 -8, <br />AND 9 -9 <br />