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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Special eeting - June 12, 1980 <br />6. NEW OUSINESS (continued) <br />b, ax abatement request from Mossber & Co. <br />elative to an area commonly referred to <br />e street. <br />r. Ellison: As the Commission is aware <br />he Common Council a month or so ago, <br />aased an ordinance which established a <br />ew procedure for the consideration of <br />etitions for tax abatement. The Council <br />rdinance was designed to make more clear <br />he local process to be used in considering <br />hose petitions. Under the ordinance a <br />roperty owner petitions the Council for <br />ax abatement. The Council through the <br />ity Clerk, then refers the petition to <br />he Commission. The Commission has a <br />0 -day period in which to report its <br />indings to the Human Resources Committee <br />f the Council. Our job is to examine the <br />rea in question and make a finding of <br />hether the area in question qualifies <br />or a tax abatement from a condition <br />tandpoint. The staff undertook an <br />nvestigation and prepared a report <br />hat is included in your packet. The <br />rea in question is further delineated <br />n the back of the report on a map. When <br />e say area, we are referring to the exact <br />rea for which tax abatement was petitioned. <br />he report concludes that the area does <br />of qualify because the area does not <br />eet the condition tests that are called <br />or under the tax abatement statute. <br />he petitioner provided some photographs, <br />long with their petition, and we took <br />ome color photographs of the site as well. <br />r. Ellison pointed out the area in question <br />the Commissioners from a colored aerial <br />otograph). The site is located on East <br />nroe a couple of lots West of Fellows <br />reet. The site includes Mossberg's Office/ <br />ctory facility, a warehouse, small commercial <br />ructure, an improved parking lot, and an <br />improved vacant lot on which the small <br />mmercial structure, sits. The project <br />lls for an erectjon of a 14,000 sq.ft. <br />dition apparently on the improved parking <br />t and on the east of the factory /office <br />cility. Based on our investigation of <br />3 <br />