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South Bond Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COVA"ICATIONS (continued) <br />a. IMr. Ellison continues... <br />his was designed to determine minimum <br />tandards which the Commission could <br />:hen dictate to a developer. We found <br />hat necessary because we have not <br />.ad a consistent design proposal from <br />.11 those parties we have dealt with on <br />.he building. As a result, it was <br />.ecessary for us to have some basis for <br />stablishing what our minimums are. Borger/ <br />'ones proceeded on our instructions to do <br />ome work, which we received last <br />Yiday, and the result of the work <br />ssentially is to allow for the building <br />o be renovated in such a fashion that <br />he exterior would be cleaned and <br />epaired (both the terra cotta, and the <br />rick) with the replacement of the <br />indows etc. They essentially suggested <br />hat this is a minimum that a prospective <br />weer can go above, but this is the <br />ottom line. (Mr. Ellison pointed to some <br />ayouts of the floor plans)... <br />he floor plans call for the removal of a <br />ne story wall with roof that was added <br />a the east side of the building and <br />onstruction of a new wall further out <br />rom the east wall. This would permit <br />n atrium that could extend the full height <br />f the building or only two stories. This <br />xtension on the east side would also allow <br />n entrance both from Washington Street and <br />rom Century. This is not inconsistent <br />ith some of the previous proposals that <br />e have had on the structure. They also <br />how the first floor as retail space. <br />ith respect to the office floors, it is <br />heir recommendation that we require that there <br />a men's and women's facility on each <br />loor. Presently there is only one facility <br />er floor in the building. In addition to <br />!iese recommendations a second stairwall <br />s necessary for the building to meet <br />)de, and will be placed on the inside of <br />Ze building. Some of the previous <br />roposals called for the second stairway to <br />on the outside of the building. The plan <br />;ain also shows typical office layout. <br />-5- <br />