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South B�nd Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - April 25, 1980 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />L-01 <br />C. <br />Mr. Ellison continues... <br />So in establishing economic rent <br />we need to average the two <br />appraisals and then use whatever <br />that figure is. In this instance <br />it is not the same for all three <br />structures. <br />Ms. Auburn: I would hope that some <br />consideration would be given on a first <br />come, first served basis, if it comes <br />down to looking at two or three different <br />entities who want to rent. I don't think <br />you can jeopardize people who come in <br />and request usage of the space. <br />Mr. Nimtz: I didn't want to create any <br />problems with the Brademas organization <br />Ms. Auburn. This may sound political, <br />but I just didn't want any problems among <br />other political entities, and I just wanted <br />to give everyone a fair shake. <br />Mme. Auburn: Now they are going to know. <br />Mr. Sweeney: There are three places, <br />so we even have room for an independent <br />organization downtown. <br />r COMMISSION MEETING <br />The next regularly scheduled South Bend <br />Re velopment Commission Meeting will be <br />hel on May 2, 1980, at 10:00 A.M. <br />Ms. Derbeck: You have been silent on <br />a certain matter for awhile. It has been <br />quite some time since a special counsel <br />was appointed to investigate the Butler <br />matter, and we haven't heard anything <br />about what is going on. It seems like <br />a long time has elapsed. <br />NEXT COMMISSION <br />14FETING <br />