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South <br />7. <br />C. <br />,nd Redevelopment Commission <br />Meetin - April 25, 1980 <br />REPORTS (continued) <br />Update on Rental of Property Within <br />the Centu ry Mall Project Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata: We have approved another <br />lease by telephone that is similar to <br />the previous leases in the Century Mall <br />area. I think we should have a recon- <br />firmation of that lease. We have rented <br />the Gallenkamp property to a firm known <br />as Allen Shoes. It is on a month -to- <br />month lease. They have provided us <br />proof of insurance, naming us as co- <br />insured, in the amount we have requested, <br />and it is a $1.00 lease the same as we <br />have done with Robertson and PDH Office <br />Equipment. <br />Ms. Paula Auburn made a motion to ratify <br />and confirm the lease between the Department <br />of Redevelopment and Allen Shoes in the <br />Century Mall Project Area (IND. R -66) seconded <br />by W. Cira, and the motion was unanimously <br />carried. <br />Mr. Ellison: As an addition to the update <br />of rental property within the Century Mall <br />Project Area, I would like to report on <br />the request we had from the Brademas <br />organization to lease some space. I <br />believe the staff indicated at the last <br />meeting that we had contact with HUD <br />with respect to the leasing of space to <br />a political organization. The staff wants <br />to report that we have had further conver- <br />sations with HUD and they agreed that there <br />is no legal prohibition against the leasing <br />of a facility that we have acquired in part <br />or whole with federal funds to a political <br />entity on an interm basis. HUD did suggest, <br />however, that we follow very closely the <br />requirements of the Federal Management <br />Circulars if we intend to lease such <br />property. That is, that there be a process <br />which would allow for competition from <br />any interested party to lease the space. <br />Secondarily, HUD has suggested that we <br />require any political entity to pay fair <br />market rent for the space. Based on that <br />-33 - <br />DISCUSSIONS ON <br />RENTAL OF PROPERTY <br />WITHIN CENTURY MALL <br />PROJECT AREA <br />