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South B nd Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COMUNICATIONS <br />a. (continued.... <br />Mr. Nimtz: Yes, there was a motion at one <br />time where all the bids were rejected. <br />Mr. Ellison: There was. The bids were <br />rejected in November 1979. The Commission <br />then negotiated. with any and /or all parties. <br />I believe our minutes will reflect that. <br />Mr. Cira made a motion that it be the Department <br />Df_ Redevelopment's intent to convey the Odd <br />Fellows Building to the South Bend Building <br />Corporation provided that the necessary bond, <br />in the amount of $200,000, can be provided <br />and that the legalistics and other arrange- <br />ments be completed to the satisfaction of <br />the Redevelopment Commission, within thirty <br />(30) days, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, <br />s. Auburn: I have a question before the vote. <br />11 of my questions on this proposal have <br />of been answered. All of my concerns <br />ave not been answered. I do not see the <br />omission as a "rubber stamp" Commission, <br />owever, I do believe that with the change <br />f administration and with the new Mayor <br />oming into office, that we owe respect to <br />hat office and the leadership at a point <br />n time where we support the Mayor in any <br />hange of directions. I take Mr. Brademas' <br />:)mments in all due respect, and in many <br />ases, I do agree with some of his comments. <br />will not, however, stand in the way of <br />he Mayor's wish to go into negotiations <br />ith Mr. Sam Kalman on the Odd Fellows <br />wilding. I do not wish to obstruct any <br />ovement that we can made on the Odd <br />allows Building. <br />. Nimtz: I might say that I have reser- <br />tions. I think many of the Commissioners <br />ve some reservations as to whether this <br />n be done. I spoke with Ms. Derbeck at <br />e last meeting about whether this can <br />done for the amount of projected cost <br />d whether it can be rented for the <br />oiected rental. <br />-21- <br />