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South B nd nedevelgpment Commission <br />Regular Meeting April 25, 1980 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />a. Mr. Brademas continues,.. <br />re have a commitment on the basement, <br />re have a commitment on the first <br />7oor, we have a commitment on the ninth <br />.nd tenth floors, and we have evidence <br />if strong interest on all remaining floors <br />pith the exception of two. Obviously in <br />he meantime we could market those. We <br />lave given evidence to this Commission of <br />ur professional training and experience <br />o carry out the work and it appears <br />.tear to us that with the pending <br />potion in front of the Commission, that <br />he Commission in one way or another <br />s not interested in us. We are not <br />ure why, we don't know if it is the <br />�ay we comb our hair, the way we spell <br />ur name, or what. At the same time, <br />s I have told the Mayor before, we do <br />of want to stand in the way of a <br />uccessful renovation of the Odd Fellows <br />uilding. We think it is essential <br />hat this building be preserved and <br />aintained, so I am here today to wish <br />he Commission good, and to tell you <br />hat under the circumstances that we <br />re withdrawing, because we object <br />trenuously to the procedures. Where <br />e, and three other proposed redevelopers <br />pent a lot of time and effort on the <br />asis that the Commission would give <br />s a fair shake. We submitted that <br />roposal, we were advised by the Commission <br />hat we would be contacted to sit down <br />nd negotiate. No such contract was <br />ver made, no evidence was ever given <br />o us that you had any intention to <br />egotiate with us, and while individually <br />like all members of the Commission, <br />nd of course, Mr. Nimtz and I are long <br />ime friends, and I hold him in high <br />steem, I want to suggest to the <br />Dmmission that I am very upset, and I <br />eel you have acted and are acting in <br />n unreasonable and arbitrary manner and <br />-15- <br />