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South Be #d Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Ieeting - April 25, 1980 <br />4. COMJNICATIONS <br />a. Mr. Brademas continues... <br />host of the time I was right here <br />n the community, available. That was <br />'ive months ago, and I am still waiting <br />;o hear from the Redevelopment Commission <br />:o start the negotiation process with me. <br />)bviously, I had no word from the Commission, <br />and the only word I had was what I had <br />-ead in the newspaper or what I saw on <br />'.V., and during that time the prime <br />.nterest rate went from 12% to 20 %. <br />'he newspaper said that you have a <br />substantial San Francisco party, now I <br />m not sure what substantial means. I <br />talked with Air. Ellison and tried to <br />'ind out what this party had in fact <br />lone and I was told in rather vague <br />terms... "that he had done some buildings <br />gut in California and I believe in <br />exas ". But other than that, nothing <br />gas -publicly revealed. I have not seen <br />. redeveloper's statement or a public <br />lisclosure statement, as I have sub - <br />dtted to the Commission. The <br />ommission is aware that my net worth <br />s in excess of $S million so I would <br />hink that would make me substantial. <br />believe I discussed that with the <br />'resident and he agreed that he thought <br />t would be a very good definition. At <br />ny event, I would like to observe that <br />his is my community; I employ in excess of <br />50 people in various jobs in this community. <br />fy people and I pay a substantial amount of <br />axes in this community, and we contribute <br />• United Fund. We are in this community <br />• stay and we have been here for quite <br />ome time. We have heard about the good <br />rack record in restoring buildings in <br />alifornia and Kansas, but we haven't <br />een anything other than the newspaper <br />hich says he has a good track record. <br />think you can look at my track record <br />nd see that I have been doing other things <br />esides restoring old buildings. <br />-13- <br />