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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting March 7, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />Ms. Auburn: I have a question I would like to <br />ask in relationship to the disposition of some <br />of the land parcels. The media has been <br />carrying a story about the public land trust <br />that ACTION, Inc. has been talking about es- <br />tablis hing for vacant land, and I wondered <br />how that related to our disposition of some <br />of the vacant land we own? <br />Mr. Ellison: It is not really related at this <br />point. Some citizens are in the process of <br />seeking to determine whether there is enough <br />local support to get involved in a neighborhood land <br />trust prograip. It is possible that some of this <br />land c uld be involved in that program. The neigh- <br />borhood land trust concept essentially involves <br />neighborhood groups gaining access to vacant land <br />then putting it to some useful purpose. I <br />believe I would only be in favor of the neighbor- <br />hood land trust arrangement in this area if the <br />LaSalle Park residents were involved in it in a <br />substar.tial way. Since we have no assurance <br />that the program is going to be implemented, <br />we are continuing our process of putting <br />together a disposition plan that would <br />essentially allow LaSalle Park residents to <br />primarily control any remaining land inventory. <br />Ms. Auburn: Thank you. <br />Mr. N' tz: A question was raised concerning <br />the Ap il meetings. If we meet on our regular <br />schedule, the lst and 3rd Friday of the month, <br />we would be meeting on Good Friday, and I presume <br />the building would be closed on that day. The <br />Chair tggests that we maintain a motion for the <br />meetin to be changed to the second and fourth <br />Friday of April. <br />Mr. -Robinson made a motion to change the April <br />meetings of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />from the first and third Friday of April, to the <br />second and fourth Friday of April at 10:00 A.M., <br />seconded by Mr. Donaldson, and the motion was <br />unanim usly carried. <br />Mr. Mison: Those meeting dates are April 11th and <br />ApriSth; proper notice will be given. <br />-7- <br />APRIL MEETINGS OF THE <br />REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />CHANGED FROM 1ST & 3RD <br />FRIDAY TO 2ND & 4TH <br />FRIDAY OF THE MONTH <br />