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South Ben4 Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting _, February 1, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSTNESS <br />d. continued..... <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: The Bureau of Housing <br />e timates the cost of repairs to be <br />$ ,325.50. Advisory Board "A" of the <br />Bureau of.Housing recommends that the <br />R development Commission award this <br />g ant. This approval is subject to <br />P esentation of ownership evidence to <br />t e Bureau. <br />. Auburn made a motion to approve a grant <br />in the amount of $4,325.50 to Renew, Inc. <br />oF South Bend, Indiana, a not - for - profit <br />corporation for repairs and improvements <br />on a house located at 1429 W. Indiana, <br />s conded by Mr. Robinson, and the motion <br />w unanimously carried. <br />e. Commission approval requested for a grant <br />in e amount o 5;675.93; to Renew, <br />Tmc6rp6rat6d, 6T South Beri ; In Tana, <br />a not- or- ro it co — oration; for repairs <br />d improvements on a house located at <br />T01 East Fox, as per letter from <br />Mrs. Kathryn Baumgartner, Acting Director, <br />B reau of Housing. <br />s. Baumgartner: The Bureau of Housing <br />timates the cost of repairs to the <br />use at 301 East Fox to be $5,675.93. <br />is approval is subject to presentation <br />ownership to the Bureau and Common <br />uncil approval. <br />Auburn made a motion to approve a <br />nt in the amount of $5,675.93 to <br />ew, Inc. of South Bend, Indiana, a <br />- for - profit corporation, for repairs <br />improvements on a house located at <br />East Fox, subject to Common Council <br />roval, seconded by Mr. Robinson, and <br />motion was unanimously carried. <br />. Nimtz: Mr. Hill, we are pleased to <br />ve you here this morning. I think you <br />W from the newspapers that although we <br />ve been concerned about the Bureau of Housing <br />spections, we have had no difficulty with <br />ther Renew, Inc. or Southold Heritage. We <br />pe to keep up that reputation. <br />-7- <br />A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT <br />OF $4,325.00 WAS APPROVED <br />FOR RENEW, INCORPORATED <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />FOR 1429 W. INDIANA <br />A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$5,675.93 WAS APPROVED <br />FOR RENEW, INCORPORATED <br />OF SOUIH BEND, INDIANA <br />FOR 301 EAST FOX <br />