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South Ben4 Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eeing February 1, 1980 <br />6. NEW BATS INESS <br />7.' <br />h. continued..... <br />Mrs. Kolata; You will remember at the <br />1 t Commission meeting we had'a similar resolution <br />for a parcel of land. We had discovered that <br />money had been received on the land without <br />having the authorization to dispose of that <br />land. We subsequently checked our files and <br />discovered that this parcel also had been <br />p id in full, so we would request Commission <br />approval to sell this parcel of land. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve <br />Resolution #601 authorizing the execution <br />of Redevelopment Agreement for disposition <br />of land and the execution of quit -claim <br />deed(s) for the transfer of title thereto <br />in connection with land to be disposed of <br />in the LaSalle Park Project, Indiana <br />R-57, Parcel # SZ 31 -6, to M.C. and <br />Willa Mae Cotton in the amount of $48.00, <br />d that the President and Secretary be <br />authorized and directed to execute the <br />a eement, seconded by Mr. Cira, and <br />t e motion was unanimously carried. <br />REPORTS <br />Mrs. olata: I am certain everyone is familiar <br />with the fact that the State Historic Preservation <br />Offic r has postponed a decision on the <br />appli ation to include the Odd Fellows Building <br />in th W. Washington Historic District. We have <br />been in touch with the SHPO and will perhaps meet <br />with them in a few weeks to discuss the application. <br />Their next regularly scheduled meeting will not <br />be until March. <br />Mr. Nimtz: I guess I shouldn't bring this up <br />under progress reports, but this is Denise <br />Flemi g's last day with the Department of <br />Redevelopment. Denise is leaving us as she <br />has been promoted to a new job down the hall <br />in the Personnel Department. Denise, we want <br />to thank you for your efforts and good work <br />here and wish you success in your new position. <br />Thank you for your loyalty. <br />Ms. F eming: Thank you, Mr. Nimtz. I have <br />enjoy d being here, and I hate to leave. <br />-10- <br />RESOLUTION #601 APPROVED <br />FOR SALE OF PARCEL # SZ 31 -6 <br />IN THE LASALLE PARK PROJECT, <br />INDIANA R -57 <br />NO DECISION MADE CONCERNING <br />FATE OF ODD FELLOWS BLDG. <br />WELL WISHES EXTENDED TO <br />M. DENISE FLEMING <br />