ORDINANCE NO. 85/7.2-9d
<br /> BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br /> SECTION I. Ordinance No. 4990-68, as amended, which ordinance is commonly
<br /> known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, be and the same
<br /> hereby is amended in order that the zoning classification of the following
<br /> described real estate in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of
<br /> Indiana:
<br /> That part of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, T. 37 N. , R. 3 E. ,
<br /> Penn Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana which is described as:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the East line of Ironwood Road which is N.
<br /> 89°-37'-38" E. 40.00 ft. from a point on the West line of said
<br /> Section and centerline of Ironwood Road which is N. 00°-04'-04" W. ,
<br /> 667.37 ft. (667.41 ft. , Record) from the Southwest corner of said
<br /> Section; thence N. 89°-37'-38" E. , 24.50 ft.; thence N. 00°-04'-04"
<br /> W. , 166.01 ft. ; thence N. 03°-26'-03" W. , 85.15 ft. ; thence N. 00.-
<br /> 04'-04" W. , 98.48 ft. to the South line of the recorded plat of
<br /> "TOPSFIELD REPLAT MINOR SUBDIVISION"; thence along said South line
<br /> of said subdivision, N. 89°-55'-52" E. , 150.50 ft. ; thence S. 81.-
<br /> 49'-12" E. , 147.01 ft. (S. 81°-38'-25" E. , 147.12 ft. , Record) ;
<br /> thence N. 22°-01'-47" E. , 190.00 ft. (N. 20°-44'-07" E. , Record);
<br /> thence N. 70°-48'-40" W. , 47.02 ft. (N. 69°-15'-53" W. , Record) to
<br /> the Southerly corner of Lot #10 of the recorded plat of "TOPSFIELD
<br /> ADDITION, FIRST SECTION"; thence along the Southerly and Easterly
<br /> lines of Lots 10, 9, 8 and 7 of said Subdivision the following two
<br /> (2) courses, N. 28°-02'-04" E. , 176.79 ft. (N. 29°-10'-48" E. ,
<br /> Record) and N. 66°-52'-32" E. , 254.51 ft. (N. 67°-10'-27" E. , 255.28
<br /> ft. , Record) ; thence S. 87°-49'-56" E. , 406.99 ft. (S. 87°-45'-11"
<br /> E. , 406.69 ft. , Record); thence N. 00°-04'-01" W. , 31.94 ft. (N.
<br /> 00°-04'-28" E. , 31.95 ft. , Record); thence N. 89°-33'-16" E. , 214.83
<br /> ft. (N. 89°-40'-20" E. , 215.00 ft. , Record); thence S. 000-29'-52"
<br /> E. , 120.18 ft. (S. 00°-04'-28" W. , 120.00 ft. , Record); thence N.
<br /> 89°-06'-00" E. , 120.00 ft. (N. 89°-40'-20" E. , Record) ; thence S.
<br /> 00°-04'-28" W. , 1334.69 ft. (1334.76 ft. , Record) to the South line
<br /> of said Section and centerline of Inwood Road; thence along said
<br /> South line and centerline S. 89°-37'-38" W. 743.85 ft. (S. 89.-37'-
<br /> 07" W. , 743.69 ft. , Record) ; thence N. 00°-04'-04" W. , 40.00 ft. to
<br /> the North line of Inwood Road; thence along said North line S. 89.-
<br /> 37'-38" W. , 70.00 ft. ; thence N. 29°-45'-37" W. , 697.05 ft. ; thence
<br /> S. 89°-37'-38" W. , 240.00 ft. to the East line of Ironwood Road;
<br /> thence along said East line N. 00°-04'-04" W. , 20.00 ft. to the
<br /> Point of Beginning.
<br /> Containing 35.4316 acres.
<br /> be and the same is hereby established as B Residential Zoning
<br /> Classification and B Height and Area.
<br /> SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
<br /> and after its nassaae by the Common Council . approval b_v the mayor and
<br />