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South Be d Redevelopment Commission <br />Special Meeting - September 15, 1980 <br />4. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />b. ontinues.... <br />r. Butler: How much is the one recommended <br />or award to Stickler? <br />r. Donaldson: $6,000.00 roughly <br />t t. Butler: The one for $6,430.00 is it <br />elow the estimate? <br />Irs. Baumgartner: No. <br />[r. Butler: He was the low bidder but he <br />gas not below the estimate. <br />[rs. Baumgartner: Right. <br />[r. Butler: Was he somewhat below the estimate? <br />[r. Ellison: Yes, about $600.00. <br />[r. Nimtz: Any further questions concerning <br />his one (Stickler)? Mr. Robinson would you <br />ike to make a special motion on this one? <br />[r. Robinson: No I'm going to vote against it. <br />:r. Donaldson made a motion that the Section 312 <br />oan bid contract for G. Duddley, 410 Birdsell, <br />e awarded to Brown for $21,107.00 seconded by <br />rs. Auburn. Commissioners Auburn, Donaldson & <br />imtz voted in favor, Mr. Robinson voted against <br />nd the motion was passed. <br />r. Butler: Kathy, does your cost - estimator or <br />oes anybody sit down with the low bidder, although <br />heir bid is greater than 20% below, and go through <br />he items to see whether or not they were bidding <br />n and that they would be providing materials that <br />ould be required for the project? <br />rs. Baumgartner: No. <br />r. Butler: Is that feasible? <br />rs. Baumgartner: No. <br />r. Ellison: Kathy do you think the primary reason <br />or the bid differential is the materials and tech - <br />ae used? Could there be a difference in wages? <br />-12- <br />