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The attey deSchibed a4 the 6Lk t east-west attey South o6 <br /> i PP.ea4ant St! 6hom the ea4t h.ight-o4-way tine o6 S. Twenty- <br /> Seventh St. to the west h.Lght-o4-way tine o6 the 6.LnSt <br /> £rntehSeet.Lng north-South dttey east o6 S . Twenty-Seventh St: <br /> Son a d.LStance o6 appnox.Lmatety 155 beet and a w.Ld-th o6 <br /> apphoxLmatety 14 Seet. Pah.t Located .Lh Twin City Reatty <br /> Subdivision of Lot e in the City o6 South Bend, Indiana <br /> when vacated is to be dev.Lded a3 £ot owS , Snom the east <br /> h.Lght-o6-way tine o6 S. 21th St: to the eenten -LS to become <br /> the phoper-ty os V.Lctoh 8 Mahia Conception Vega Key number. <br /> 18-6040- 1215, and 4hom the west h.Lght-o6-way tine 06 the <br /> 6.inSt S.LnSt .i ttenSect.Lng k-S attey Ea4t o6 S. 27th St. to <br /> the Same midpoint £S to become the property 06 Lawrence <br /> E. Phout at 1218 S. 21th St. Key Number 18-6040-1216 so a4 <br /> to divide the attey equatty. <br /> * u 9Q <br /> V.Lctoh 2 Mania Concep Lion Vega <br /> 40.12A4x.s. 4L0J- <br /> Lawrence E. Phout - <br /> .14 .4111r. e ./../.4 601 <br /> i <br /> -LtneS4 <br /> * Document associated with Ord. No. 8510-94 passed <br /> by the South Bend Common Council on June 13 , 1994 <br /> effective August 1 , 1994 : <br />