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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Special Me ing July 25, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUS <br />f. continued... <br />Mr. Ellison: There is a second letter in <br />your packet marked 6g -New Business which <br />reads as follows: (The new firm of <br />Han fen, Imhoff, & Samford, Inc. employs <br />Mr. Goemans who previously worked with <br />Kirchner Moore). <br />Mn. F. Jay N.cmtz, Pners.ident <br />Red vetopment Commis4ion <br />Co y -City Building <br />SotqA Bend, Indiana <br />RE: Pnoposed Contract Jon Pro - <br />6esz ional Senv.ieez Between the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Commri,s- <br />,sion and Hanijen, Imho46 6 Samford, <br />Inc. <br />Mn. Nimtz: <br />As you know, the Redevelopment Commission and the <br />civit City of South Bend have pnev-iou�sly been <br />azzociated with the KcnchneA Moone 4i&m through <br />John Go emams . Mn. Goemans pnev.iously adv 6 ed the <br />City and was involved a3 .investment banker in the <br />,%egviancing o4 the C-rtylz panfiing gaAage�s and in <br />the 3ond Zszue needed bon the construction o4 <br />Cent Ay CewteA. Mn. Goemans .initiated contracts <br />with the prior City admiw%strat ion concerning <br />tax "ncAementa2 J.inane ing now being ut-i.2ized bon <br />the evelopment of Century Matt. <br />In early June, Mr. Goemans lest the employ o6 <br />the i&chnen Moone 6i&m to join the 6i&m o6 Hani6en, <br />Imho 6, and Sam4ond, Inc. as vice- pnez,idewt <br />and municipat bond undemtitm Subsequent to our <br />dizciasions with a nepne�sentati,ve o4 the Ki&chneA <br />Moote 6i&m on Juey 15th, and alter determining it <br />woutd be in the best .interests o6 the Redevelopment <br />Commi6zion and the City to terminate its relati.on- <br />zhip with the 6i.rm based on thee& tnab-i.Q.ity to <br />eo nue the pnovis.ion o6 necessary z env im , <br />contact was made with Mn. Goemans to explore the <br />poszs b.cX.ity o6 W retention on beha 6 o6 Hani6en, <br />Imho J and Sam6ond, Inc. Ak. Goemans has agreed <br />to p ov ide z eAvt ees to the City. Thene6one, I <br />uco mend that the sta46 and legal counsel be <br />authkized to negotiate a cone act simi2an to the <br />4o&meA one with Ki&chnen Moone bon execution by <br />the T&ezident and SecAetany. <br />19 <br />