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South Bend Pedevelopment Commission <br />Special Me ting July 25, 1980 <br />6. NEW <br />f. continued.... <br />JiAn met with City Attorney, Richard Hitt <br />City Engineer. Pattiich McMahan and myset4 to <br />dis mzs whether the 4i&m eou2d continue to <br />pna Ade the neceszary s env ices in the ab4 ence <br />o6 . Jahn Goemanz . Mr. Go emans had pnev.ious t y <br />be the .investment banker Oar the City jon <br />the rej.inanaing a j the Cd ty's paA ing garages <br />and the band ussue necessatr:y jot the consttuation <br />o4 Centwaj Centteti.. <br />Based on our dusewss.ions with the <br />rep e,sentative o4 Kitchnen Moore which were hetd <br />on Juty 15, I recommend that the Commission teAminate <br />.ct6 contract with the 4dvcm. This Aeeommendation <br />>%s based on the exhibited Zack o4 4am 2i,atrity <br />witA the Centutiy MaU Project and the statu6 o4 the <br />,Ste ,s being taken to initiate the necusary test <br />titIgation. tdh t e Mn. Ktei dte o4 the K, Achnen <br />Move 4Zum - indicated that the 4itm .intends to <br />cam tete the s etcvices as set out in the agreement, <br />I betieve it woued be inadv"abZe 4an the Redevetop- <br />ment CommZsz ion to owo&k with an undeAwAiting 4itm <br />th does not have eomptete knowtedge and invotve- <br />m in the process up to the a ti.mate. <br />,us s e o4 the b ondz . Mn. Hitt and Mn.. McMahan <br />can un with my tecommendat-i.onz to the CommZss.ion. <br />Ad ona ty, Mayon PaAent has been eomutted <br />an W matter and jutQy consents to the <br />nee mmended <br />Richard Hitt has d is ewsz ed with W. Kne.idte <br />o he K.utehnen Moore 4i&m whether the j tcm wou-d <br />,seeft reimbu u ement 4on s env.ices ptov.ided to date <br />4&oni the Redevetopment Comrrii z ion. W. Kne.idte <br />has indicated that no -6ueh teimbutrsement woutd be <br />,sought Jnom the City. I theneb y recommend that <br />the Commission tennu.nate -r is agreement with KiAchneA <br />Mooh,e and Company u.nde% the o4 PaAt IT- <br />Tevz,s and Condi t iom o4 the Agreement. <br />SinceAe t y, <br />S/ <br />Calit ELU s on <br />Executive N eeton <br />The Chair recognized Mr. Richard City Attorney. <br />16 <br />