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• <br /> • <br /> South Bend Police Salary Ordinance <br /> Page 2 <br /> SECTION III, Additional Areas of Compensation. <br /> (a) Maximum Amounts: <br /> All monetary areas addressed in this ordinance are maximum amounts permitted each <br /> calendar year. <br /> (b) Court time: <br /> if an officer or a sworn member of the South Bend Police Department is subpoenaed to <br /> court or is ordered to appear at any given location to validate a complaint or warrant, and if that <br /> officer or sworn member is off-duty, that officer or sworn member shall be paid overtime. Such <br /> court time pay shall be paid at the overtime rate of pay. Such officers or sworn members shall <br /> receive a minimum of four (4) hours of pay for appearing on their scheduled day off; and a <br /> minimum of two (2)hours of pay for appearing when off duty on a regular scheduled work day. <br /> (c) Overtime: <br /> A sworn member who is required to remain on duty in excess of the regularly scheduled <br /> work day, shall be entitled to overtime pay. Such sworn member shall be paid at the rate of one <br /> and one-half (11/2) times his or her normal rate of pay. Overtime shall be calculated by quarter- <br /> hour increments. <br /> (d) Holiday Grants: <br /> Holidays and holiday grant procedures shall be established by the Board of Public Safety. <br /> Maximum holiday grants for calendar years 1995 through 1997 shall be as follows: <br /> $200.00 for each of four(4)selected holidays worked each year. <br /> $100.00 additional if an officer or sworn member works a grand holiday established by <br /> the Board of Public Safety. <br /> $ 80.00 paid if an officer or sworn member is recalled to work a designated holiday. <br /> $140.00 paid if an officer or sworn member is recalled to work a grand holiday. <br /> (e) Shift Premiums: <br /> Officers and sworn members, scheduled to work afternoon or midnight shifts shall be <br /> entitled to the following shift premium pay: <br /> 1995 1996 1997 <br /> Afternoon(3rd Detail) $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 <br /> Midnight(1st Detail) $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 <br /> (t) Hazardous Duty Pays: <br /> Officers and sworn members who work in hazardous duty areas, shall be entitled to the <br /> following pay for such assigned and designated specialties: <br /> 1995 1996 1997 <br /> Special Weapons and <br /> Tactics(SWAT) $500 $500 $500 <br /> K-9 Units $500 $500 $500 <br /> Bomb Technicians............. $500 $500 $500 <br /> Hostage Negotiations $500 $500 $500 <br /> Special Operations <br /> Section(SOS) $500 $500 $500 <br /> SOS Undercover ............. $1,800 $1,900 $2,000 <br /> River Rescue $500 $500 $500 <br /> N.E.S.T. $500 $500 $500 <br />