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02-24-2020 Agenda Packet
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02-24-2020 Agenda Packet
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2/20/2020 2:43:49 PM
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2/20/2020 2:43:17 PM
City Council - City Clerk
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BILL NO. 20-01 <br />RESOLUTION NO. <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND,INDIANA <br />ENCOURAGING A MINIMUM ANNUAL PERCENTAGE OF THE TAX INCEMENTAL FINANCING FUNDS <br />FROM EACH TIF DISTRICT TO BE ALLOCATED TO,AND APPROPRIATED FOR,TANGIBLE <br />INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS BENEFITING ALL AREAS IN EACH TIF DISTRICT <br />4 , The South Bend Common Council acknowledges that The South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission has been established, in part, to identify areas of South Bend in need of redevelopment; and <br />4Y ,The South Bend Common Council also acknowledges that Tax Incremental Financing(TIF) is a <br />useful tool in redeveloping certain identified areas (TIF Districts) in need of redevelopment; and <br />4f ,there are currently four(4) active TIF Districts in the City of South Bend; and <br />4if , each TIF District includes residential areas, from which the taxes are not generally captured by <br />the TIF District; and <br />44,TIF revenue is generated from an increase in taxes paid by commercial properties; and <br />OfCemael,TIF is used to encourage economic growth and revitalization, which, in turn, increases TIF <br />contributions through an increase in assessments and tax revenue paid by such commercial properties; and <br />OACret76,all areas within each TIF District should receive the tangible and intangible benefits of <br />redevelopment within each TIF District; and <br />4 , tangible benefits include public improvements allowed by Ind. Code 36-7-1-3 and 36-7-1-18 <br />which can include infrastructure, such as curbs, sidewalks, streets, improved street lighting, storm water <br />drainage, and alley improvements in certain cases; and <br />44 Ind. Code 36-7-14-3 gives the Common Council the statutory obligation to review the budget of <br />and oversee the South Bend Redevelopment Commission through the Common Council's appointment of two <br />2) of the five(5) voting members to the South Bend Redevelopment Commission; <br />01‘.7.4, The South Bend Redevelopment Commission already has existing commitments for a portion of <br />the funds for each TIF District; and <br />4 , the South Bend Common Council, as the body that reviews the budget and maintains a voting <br />membership in the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, strongly encourages the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission to allocate a minimum of 5% of the funding from each TIF District for public <br />improvements to infrastructure such as curbs, sidewalks, streets, improved street lighting, storm water drainage, <br />and alley improvements that are allowed by statute; and <br />44 Governor Holcomb signed into law Senate Enrolled Act 566-2019 on May 5, 2019 that allows a <br />redevelopment commission to create a tax increment finance district for residential property ("residential TIF"). <br />Sou, gle xiooxe, 6e iL iieG dee Cain/nem, ce oun d y o cd'Fend, Jrndiam,a, a6/ollo ks: <br />Section I. The South Bend Common Council believes that all areas within each TIF District should <br />receive the tangible and intangible benefits of redevelopment within each district. <br />Section II. The South Bend Common Council supports the use of TIF funding within each TIF District <br />to improve the infrastructure as allowed by statute within each TIF District, including residential areas. <br />Section III. The South Bend Common Council strongly encourages the South Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission <br />1) to allocate a minimum of 5% of the funding from each TIF District for public improvements to <br />infrastructure such as curbs, sidewalks, streets, improved street lighting, storm water drainage, and <br />alley improvements that are allowed by statute; and <br />2) to explore the implementation of residential TIF.
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