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South Benj Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting - October 5, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINNESS <br />h. Mrs. Butler continues..... <br />The designation is to be accomplished by <br />following the procedures that the Department <br />of Redevelopment follows in designating an <br />area a "blighted" area. In other words, the <br />Common Council should follow the same procedures <br />we are now using with respect to the East Bank <br />anJ Monroe Sample. I am questioning whether <br />the Common Council simply, by resolution can <br />ap rove this area or this particular project <br />as an abatement project for an urban renewal <br />ar a, without following these procedures. I <br />th nk with respect to the "hole" the Common <br />Co ncil was adopting the Commission's findings <br />wh ch were made back in 1967 and 1968 when we <br />de ignated the entire downtown area as an <br />urban renewal area and also the Redevelopment <br />Commission has confirmed that finding a number <br />of times since 1968. In this case, on the <br />East Bank, we have not yet made a determination <br />and I am not certain whether you intend to have <br />th Common Council follow the procedures that <br />we will be following. <br />Mr. Szarwark: First of all, my understanding <br />is that the Redevelopment Commission will not <br />act officially for a declaratory resolution <br />until around Christmas time at the earliest, <br />anc that is too late for this project. We <br />ho a to have construction underway by.that <br />ti e. <br />Mr. Nimtz: I believe what we are saying to you <br />is that you are involved in some very technical <br />procedures and language. Our sympathies are <br />with you and I think all we are asking you to do <br />is make sure everything goes right, because we <br />haven't done a lot of preliminary work and we <br />don't want you to end up with the Indiana <br />State Board of Tax Commissioners saying the <br />procedures haven't been followed and you <br />having a tax suit five years from now. <br />Mr. Szarwark: I fully appreciate your sentiments, <br />however, I believe that this will be a question <br />for the Common Council to take up. Essentially, <br />what is necessary, is that some of the findings <br />that you have to make to declare an area a <br />redevelopment area for your purposes are inap- <br />pli able in the statutatory format for the tax <br />abatement. <br />-11- <br />